Pintard stands out in early FNM running

Michael Pintard at the event at the British Colonial Hilton to launch his leadership bid for the FNM. Photo: Racardo Thomas/Tribune Staff

Michael Pintard at the event at the British Colonial Hilton to launch his leadership bid for the FNM. Photo: Racardo Thomas/Tribune Staff



MICHAEL Pintard is the name that stands out for leadership of the Free National Movement after many FNMs spoke to The Tribune on and off the record declaring their support for that candidate.


Kwasi Thompson


Iram Lewis. Photo: Lisa Davis/BIS

As of Wednesday night, there are three declarants in the race for leadership of the FNM. Iram Lewis, Mr Pintard and Kwasi Thompson have all launched their campaigns for leadership.

They are slated to nominate on November 18 making them contenders in an election for leadership at the party’s one-day convention on November 27.

The Tribune spoke to 16 members of the FNM hierarchy yesterday and though many of them were not ready to declare their support openly for various reasons, the majority of them said they would back Mr Pintard.

Dr Duane Sands, former minister of health, was hesitant to say who he was throwing his support behind, but wished the three candidates luck.

“I applaud all of those who have declared,” he said. “May the best man, in this instance, but if a woman throws her hat in the ring, then may the best man or woman win.”

Asked if he was considering being a contender in the leadership race later this month or the party’s election of officers in February, Dr Sands was not forthcoming with a definite answer.

Former FNM Hotel Corporation chairman Michael Scott, weighing in on who the best candidate for FNM leadership was, named his horse in the race without hesitation.

“I think, from a personal perspective and having known all three of them, I think that the one of them that has the most leadership capability and potential is Michael Pintard,” he said.

“Kwasi is a technocrat and he doesn’t strike me as being someone who can motivate party members and motivate the troops and motivate the country.

“I see that kind of personality — the ability to connect with the average man on the street, whether he be FNM, PLP or independent — I think that of the three of them, the most passionate, articulate and focused and intelligent would be Pintard. He is the only one of the three who could really galvanise my support,” he said.

Mr Scott said Mr Pintard can appeal to voters.

“In other words, in terms of leadership capacity and potential of the three of them, he is the one with the ability to not only lead, but to listen to the voters,” he said.

“I think that’s important because in the last FNM government, many of the ministers forgot that they were servants of the electorate and they became tone deaf and some of them didn’t perform very well in office.”

However, Collin Ingraham, FNM executive member, said Mr Lewis, MP for Central Grand Bahama is getting his vote.

“I support Iram Lewis, but would fully support and work with whichever one is elected by our convention,” he said. “I would say that we have three outstanding young men who over the years have demonstrated their dedication to national development as members of the Free National Movement.

“I’ve had the good fortune of working with Pintard in public relations and he is very hard working and focused. Then we have Iram Lewis who is very engaging. He just loves people. That kind of engagement and love is what the party needs to move forward with its healing.

“I consider all of them very good colleagues and although Pintard has been like a good brother to me, on this one I will be supporting Iram Lewis. At a time when our party has significant challenges with a lot of people viewed as cocky and arrogant, we need a leader with his kind of humility — one who is approachable,” he said.

Brent Symonette, former FNM Cabinet minister, would not declare who has his support but said he is happy that the candidates are from the “front bench” of Parliament.

No, I do not have a horse in the race,” Mr Symonette said. “I will keep that quiet until later on. I think it’s very good that the FNM has been able to field three potential leadership persons and there is a process that they have agreed to go through … you know the one-day convention.

“I think it looks very encouraging and it shows the party has depth with people on the front bench who are willing to stand up and work towards running for leader. Whichever one wins, I wish them the best success in the world.

“Each of them has strong attributes and it will be interesting to see how it pans out in the next couple of weeks.”

Former FNM MP for St Anne’s Hubert Chipman said Mr Pintard is who he sees as the new leader.

“I am watching this with interest,” Mr Chipman said. “I listened to Michael’s speech last night with interest, I think he is fully qualified for leader. I haven’t heard what Iram Lewis had to say. I don’t really know him other than athletics. I cannot even speak to his politics. I know he is the representative for Central Grand Bahama and that’s about it.

“I think Kwasi Thompson has been around for a while. I think he has been in the Senate more than in the House of Assembly. When he was in the House the first time, there was nothing amazing. I didn’t see the leadership skills.”

Mr Chipman said being fearless is one of Mr Pintard’s attributes for party leader.

“He is fearless to go up against giants like Brave Davis and Perry Christie in elections. He has leadership skills as far as him being the chairman of the FNM.

“He brings a lot to the table in terms of what he said on unification. I think the party needs to be unified. No question. Prior to around 2016, the party just went astray and we allowed it to get to the level it is today when it became a one-man band in leadership.”


TalRussell 3 years, 4 months ago

What would youse leadership chance be if were not so up front at diminishing role played post Hurricane Dorian and Covid, and everything else like this and that.
But for the Red Diaries left behind, few amongst Popoulaces, would've known how it really was post May10, 2017 to September 16, 2021,― Yes

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