The fiscal mess we find ourselves in

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Fiscal and financial information and understanding good question — honestly I doubt the majority of the past four-Governments had too much understanding of the real issues and as a result we are in the fiscal mess that we find ourselves. But no one seems will admit or be honest about the reality.

The responses to the Speech from the Throne in both Houses very clearly confirm this....oh I am presuming at the least the MP’s on the Government had been brought up to speed since September 16th precisely where the national finances are?

Seems a whopping big presumption because speaker after speaker spoke about new this and new that all costing millions as if the Treasury was overflowing..... to them — it isn’t.

Just look how Government works September Quarter found $90 million over projected Budget and darn it what has Government started to do....spend as quickly as the ink dries on the Deficit and Revenue projection we have to spend it.

Increase pensions to civil servants....who receive two pensions one from Government and the other NIB..... are they really in need so desperate that we had to act with such rush? What about the far harder off NIB pensioners who probably only have one pension and for sure very hard to even meet one-two weeks food supply but.....

Yes, we do love promotions, but with promotion as honours and legitimate promotion means additional costs.

VAT - this is becoming an enigma when the FNM increased from 742% revenue increased, but they exempted all bread basket items — insurances...now this New Day Government wants to reduce VAT by 2% and suggest revenue will increase by $200m.... so either way up or down you get an increase..... this theory could win a Noble Prize!

Black Friday — Thanksgiving and Christmas rushing towards us and Government does not see it prudent — cautious to retain as much foreign currency liability as possible at the least for this year the Duty Free allowance would be suspended to allow a max benefit to the small — medium and large local business....where is the Chamber, surely they should be pushing this with a substantive “Buy Local marketing” programme or do they support the buy in Miami approach?

Someone before the lights go out inform members of the Senate and the House precisely what is our financial status and what we cannot afford.....please.



November 9, 2021.


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