62 new COVID-19 cases


Tribune Staff Reporter


THE Ministry of Health reported sixty-two new COVID-19 cases and four more virus-related in its Thursday dashboard.

The data released Friday said 48 of the new cases were recorded in New Providence, while 11 were confirmed in Inagua, two in Grand Bahama and one in Abaco.

The latest figures pushed the nation’s coronavirus case count to 21,580 since the start of the pandemic.

The country’s COVID death toll also now stands at 590 after the ministry reported four additional virus-related fatalities.

The deceased include three men – ages 56, 63, and 67– who all died September 20 and a 58-year-old woman who died September 21. The victims were all from New Providence.

Health officials said the deaths were previously under investigation but have since been classified as COVID-19 related deaths

In terms of hospitalisations, 152 people are still in hospital battling the virus, 20 of whom are in the intensive care unit.

Last Sunday, infectious disease expert Dr Nikkiah Forbes told The Tribune it is still too early to determine if the country is nearing the end of the third wave.

“In the last few weeks, the number of cases reported is declining,” she said recently. “However, what I will tell you is that the testing has declined. When we look at the health data, we look at several indicators. Test taking behaviours affect a number of positive cases and there are biases and things that will affect test taking. A holiday weekend would. If there is very big activity, test taking behaviour may change. In those weeks where the numbers were declining, testing went down. So that’s why it’s important to look at other variables, deaths, hospitalisations and the percent testing positive for the virus.”

To contain the spread of COVID-19 residents are reminded of the following: if you have symptoms, contact your health provider; while home remedies may work for a period it is important to get tested and receive the proper care before symptoms become too difficult to manage; if you have been asked by the Surveillance Unit to get tested for COVID-19, please follow the advice and take the gold standard RT-PCR test.

Employees are also encouraged to work from home.


carltonr61 3 years, 5 months ago

But are we bold enough in counting our Moderna deaths like Europe as WHO hide info from dumb Bahamians.


carltonr61 3 years, 5 months ago

There is a suspicion that vaccinated blood donor in hospitalized patients may be having a negative deadly effect as mixing vaccines is untested scientifically not to mention the blood clots.

ohdrap4 3 years, 5 months ago

From day Dr. Forbes saud mixing vaccines is allowed.

But I guess this factor will be another difficulty for those who need transfusion .

Universal donors will be no more.

carltonr61 3 years, 5 months ago

Sands sounds angry that Brave has taken away his and Minnis pain. Sounds like he resents we are not under lockdown while not blaming covid medicinal protocol for headache pill and observation while millions have survived by taking $5.00 Hydroxychloroquine pill early in detection. That is the opinion of doctors the world over alarmed covid save lives orders of no autopsies after headache pill and observation.

ohdrap4 3 years, 5 months ago

They just keep discounting the studies for ivermectin used for profilaxys and early infection.

Dr. Sands already told the media we should have a lockdown while cases diminish.

In the weeks prior to election, he and Nahaja were on the radio everyday talking about restrictions and lockdown.

People aint stupid. Should he ever try to bocome PM people will bring the videotapes out.

John 3 years, 5 months ago

Sands and Minnis may be compromised to the vaccine manufacturers. Just like the government of Australia. Follow their narrative since the vaccines came out and especially Dr Duane Sands even after elections especially where he’s hinting at more curfews and possible lockdowns. Even some representatives of some vaccines manufacturers say the distribution of vaccines are being mishandled. Firstly there should not have been an attempt to vaccinate everyone and secondly, people who have recovered from the virus should not be vaccinated. But they are, in fact being forced ( ok coerced) to get vaccinated as soon as they recover.

carltonr61 3 years, 5 months ago

Don't know who is following India's autopsy of dead covid patients hysteria by family members.

carltonr61 3 years, 5 months ago


Merck is charging $700.00 for a $17.00 one week only dose of Covid killer pill. While Psizer is making its own Ivermectin, but I wonder the price for its so called horse medication under a different name.

John 3 years, 5 months ago

Why are so many people dying in PMH from Covid-29 after being admitted for non Covid related illnesses? The hospital is contaminated and definitely a breeding ground for the virus. As the numbers of new cases decline, governments first priority should be to get Covid patients out of PMH and into a separate facility. Sad the number of people that went there suffering from recoverable illnesses, but died from Covid. Expecting mothers even, who only went to the hospital to give birth but ended up contracting the virus and dying from it in the matter of hours.

JokeyJack 3 years, 5 months ago

You know exactly why people with broken arms are dying of covid and therefore you know why it cant be stated here. Stop pretending not to know. What would happen if the c death counts declined?

ohdrap4 3 years, 5 months ago

In addition, both Dr. Sands and Dr. Nikkiah Forbes have stated on the radio that it is allowed to mix vaccines.

So folks who received 2 shots of astra zebeca are being told to get a pfizer booster after 6 months. Where are the safety studies, they only talk about half dozen people who mixed them by accident.

OTOH, I understand some businesses are also testing the fully vaccinated employees.

John 3 years, 5 months ago

And what’s going on down in Inagua? Additional cases and additional hospitalizations and deaths. Has the source of infection been identified yet. Authorities already say it was not the hundreds of illegal Haitians.

ThisIsOurs 3 years, 5 months ago

  1. We've added 300 dead people since Dr Minnis allowed vaccinated persons to enter the country without testing and triggered the 4th wave starting July 2021. 300 dead people. its even more mind boggling when you realize these are only the people who died in hospital. More than enough reason to be angry.

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