Tribune Senior Reporter
FORMER State Minister for Finance Kwasi Thompson said the Davis administration will be hurting the most vulnerable people in society when it reintroduces value added tax on breadbasket items.
Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis announced in the House of Assembly yesterday that while his administration will reduce VAT to ten percent across the board, it will also increase the VAT rate to ten percent on a variety of items that had been zero-rated under the Minnis administration. Exceptions to this policy include VAT exemption for electricity bills and special economic zones. However, the policy shift means VAT will return to such items as baby food, bread, butter, grits, rice, soap, corned beef and various medications.
Mr Davis noted that experts have long said the government should strive to keep the VAT rate as broad as possible and exempt few, if any, items from the tax. This, experts say, would help the government keep the overall rate as low as possible while maximising returns.
Despite this, Mr Thompson said: “We (the former administration) wanted to ensure that we used the zero-rated process to assist those persons who are most vulnerable. We made a deliberate decision to take away VAT from bread-basket items, to reduce the cost of food for those most vulnerable.
“What (this) government again, and that’s why I said (they are delivering) half-truths, what they have said is they will decrease VAT, but what they have not said is that for all of those items that were previously zero-rated, it will actually increase by ten percent and so the cost of food will go up and the cost of all of those other items that were previously zero-rated will go up by ten percent.
“That was nowhere near included in any statement previously or today. What are all those items that were previously zero-rated that will now be ten percent? How will that affect the lives of Bahamians, that they will actually be paying more for certain things? We call upon the government to come clean, tell the whole story. We will not just listen to what they say, but we will watch what they do and that’s the important issue the country is interested in.”
In opposition, the Progressive Liberal Party said it would reduce VAT to ten percent for one year, then reevaluate the situation.
Mr Thompson said yesterday: “How long will this VAT reduction last and if this VAT reduction will only last for one year as they previously said, then it means that the reduction will only be for one year but the increase will be for more than one year and may even be permanent. We again say to the government, come clean. Tell the whole story to the Bahamian people.”
sheeprunner12 3 years, 4 months ago
Poverty is relative to what lifestyle that ppl wish to live based on their income. If you're making minimum wage, then you can't make too many babies. Or else find a few minimum wage jobs. The State cannot continue to bail out ppl who continue to make poor life choices
Ashinnabash 3 years, 4 months ago
you don't know people's situation and you're not past anything until you die so watch what you say.
bahamianson 3 years, 4 months ago
Well, I agree. Nothing is expensive , if you want it. If you do not want it, it now is expensive. We all have to make choices, that is the cold reality. We all cant live in Albany. Wr must accept what life gives us or try to do better. Being envious of someone elses hard work is not productive.
licks2 3 years, 4 months ago
ohdrap4 3 years, 4 months ago
Since now he speaks, where did the DOME money go?
M0J0 3 years, 4 months ago
lol is all you can say when the fnm speaks. LOL
ThisIsOurs 3 years, 4 months ago
poor people had to buy gas, clothes and car parts when you raised VAT to 12.5%. Just go away
ohdrap4 3 years, 4 months ago
They had to buy chicken wings and sausage too. That attracts VAT.
professionalbahamian 3 years, 4 months ago
Charging VAT on food, medicine, and health related products such as health insurance is just plain stupid.
tribanon 3 years, 4 months ago
Right Kwasi. So why don't you tell all of us why you morons in the last FNM administration increased the VAT rate from 7.5% to 12% as one of your very first acts in parliement after winning the May 2017 national general election? LOL
TalRussell 3 years, 4 months ago
Demonstrating No Shame, but lots Fake Tears!
A Big Baggie filled with $10,000 was budgeted by a crown minister to be spent on a stupid Christmas Tree, would've provided Vouchers for 1904 of The Colony's 'poorest childrens' to have stopped by a Wendy's on way to school for their most important meal of the day, a hot Wendy's Big Baggie Breakfast Meal, including Hot Beverage, — Yes?
FrustratedBusinessman 3 years, 4 months ago
The FNM really didn't care about poor people when they raised it to 12% a year after getting elected. I could understand raising it to 10, but I felt that 12% was too sharp. People were already struggling before, and raising it so steeply was not a help. People don't eat fire engine for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
ohdrap4 3 years, 4 months ago
Reminds of the book "tortilla flat".
When the teacher asked the strong energetic mexican boys what they ate. They answered tortillas and beans. What else? Tortillas and beans.
carltonr61 3 years, 4 months ago
His Covid response Had they won the snap elections would have seen more snap closures of food stores and lock downs, Amazing how poverty he created he is now defending. No Minnisian FNM can lecture on poverty. Ever. A band of insensitives.
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