STARTING on November 8, foreign national air travellers (those who are not US citizens or US permanent residents) to the United States will be required—with only very limited exceptions—to be fully vaccinated, and to provide proof of vaccination status prior to boarding an aircraft to fly to the United States.
A statement from the US Embassy in Nassau said this is a global policy that applies to travellers from all around the world, including The Bahamas.
All fully vaccinated travellers will still be required to show documentation of a pre-departure negative COVID-19 test taken no more than three days before travel to the United States, the notice said. According to, PCR tests and antigen tests qualify for the test requirement.
This applies to all travellers—including US citizens, lawful permanent residents (LPRs) and foreign nationals.
All US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and World Health Organization (WHO) approved vaccines—and any combination thereof—will be accepted; that includes AstraZeneca.
“There are very limited other exceptions to the new requirements; those exceptions (such as humanitarian exemptions, etc) will not apply to the vast majority of travellers,” the notice said.
Children under the age of 18 are exempt from the vaccination requirement; however, children between the ages of two and 17 still need to present a negative COVID-19 test result.
US citizens and LPRs who are not fully vaccinated, but who are otherwise eligible to travel, will need to provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test taken one day before their flight’s departure.
US citizens and LPRs who are fully vaccinated will need to present airlines with proof of vaccination, and will also still need to provide a negative COVID-19 test taken three days before their flight.
Read the full details on the new requirements at and
tribanon 3 years, 4 months ago
A shining example of population control at work by countries no longer led by their democratically elected officials but rather by an elitist group of globalist billionaire oligarchs and the very greedy global enterprises they control, i.e. big pharma and their bio-tech partners, with evil state actors like Jinping in Red China and Putin in Russia added to the mix and egging them all on to create even more chaos, economic mayhem and severe anxiety for the less well-off in the western world.
Meanwhile unvaccinated illegal aliens are parading into the US with the 'Biden in name only' administration welcoming them with open arms as a source of cheap labour. And to think most of us Bahamians were so anti-Trump. LOL
tribanon 3 years, 4 months ago
This announcement by the 'Biden in name only' administration certainly puts to bed two very important truths some of us have been saying for a long time now:
(1) Being vaccinated does not prevent one from being a carrier and spreader of COVID-19 and its many variants; and
(2) The vaccinated are only protected for a limited period of time, unlike those who have been naturally infected with COVID-19 or one of its many variants and recovererd from the infection.
The 'Biden in name only' administration will next be announcing that nearly all non-US citizens must be re-vaccinated once or twice a year in order to travel to the US. Talk about discrimination based on nationality! It seems Trump's American exceptionalism for US citizens is still alive and doing well in the US.
Looks like there will no Christmas shopping for Bahamians in Florida for reasons other than the US supply chain problems. LOL
tribanon 3 years, 4 months ago
Can't wait to hear what Davis and Mitchell have to say about this. We all know the darkest of stormy clouds quickly settle over the Bahamas whenever Freddy Boy is minister of foreign affairs. That's a simple enough fact well grounded in history.
carltonr61 3 years, 4 months ago
The problem is WHO PAHO, as they will not authorize therapeutics to assist pre immune boost like Ivermectin before the onset of illness and death.…
ohdrap4 3 years, 4 months ago
Our inalianable right to shop in Miami has been taken away.
henny 3 years, 4 months ago
It hasn't been taken away. If you don't want to get vaccinated you have made the choice not to go.
tribanon 3 years, 4 months ago
The US Chargé d' Affaires to The Bahamas appointed by the 'Biden in name only' administration, i.e. the subordinate diplomat who substitutes because no US ambassador has been appointed, should be bowing her head in shame before the Bahamian people.
tribanon 3 years, 4 months ago
Anyone know what 'our' good friend Maxine Waters has to say about this most coercive and hostile tactic being employed by the 'Biden in name only' administration to force all Bahamians to get multiple jabs, probably every year for the rest of their lives if they wish to have travel privileges to the US? Will Maxine Waters even take a phone call from Davis or Freddy Boy to discuss this incredible level of hostility being shown by the 'Biden in name only' administration towards the Bahamian people?
And Black Americans throughout the US are being told by the 'Biden in name only' administration to get vaccinated or lose their right to gainful employment. But we don't hear a peep from the black caucus of the US congress about the grave injustice being done here. Just imagine what might end up in those vaccination needles one day with this kind of pure evil rearing its ugly head against us.
henny 3 years, 4 months ago
Not only Black Americans, all people regardless of race or color are being told the same. Get it straight.
tribanon 3 years, 4 months ago
The more evil of you white folk have been experimenting with us black folk for far too long and many of us have good reason to fear what's likely to come our way if we get too complacent and surrender our bodies to yearly jabbings. Soon it will become one type of jab for you and an entirely different type of jab for me.
carltonr61 3 years, 4 months ago…
Vaccine no good
JokeyJack 3 years, 4 months ago
Idiots here getting jabbed every day so they can go give their money to Sam Walton's family.
tribanon 3 years, 4 months ago
When you think Walmart, think Red China too.
sheeprunner12 3 years, 4 months ago
Davis hasn't changed Minnis policies of travel within the country. It's more expensive for Family Islanders to travel to Nassau now, than before.
Travelling overseas is optional. Costs are getting harder to do so for the average Joe, anyway.
bcitizen 3 years, 4 months ago
I guess we can fly to Mexico and just walk into Texas.
M0J0 3 years, 4 months ago
LOL the key word is by air travel, simply go to bimini or freeport and jump on the ship. Simple
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