THE Ministry of Health reported 118 additional cases of COVID-19 on Friday, bringing the nation’s coronavirus total since the start of the pandemic to 18,694.
Health officials also reported that the number of cases in hospital has jumped to 174. Fifteen of those cases are in the intensive care unit, according to the Ministry of Health’s September 2 dashboard.
The previous day, hospital cases were at 167.
Four hundred and twelve people have died from COVID-19.
bahamianson 3 years, 6 months ago
what's this, like the 5th wave?
ThisIsOurs 3 years, 6 months ago
This is the 4th wave. 1st was July 2020, 2nd was March 2021, 3rd was May 2021 and this last wave started in 1st week of July 2021. Some health officials are still referring to it as the 3rd wave. Though the 3rd and 4th are squashed together there was a very definitive drop off in cases before the cruise ships started arriving in July. Because the 3rd wave case count didnt have the time/space to drop to zero, its been mistaken as all 3rd wave. Thats my analysis
bahamianson 3 years, 6 months ago
did we stop at the 3rd wave? 3 years, 6 months ago
The vax is good, but we could also follow the lead of both Sweden and especially Uttar Pradesh, a state of India with a population over 200 million and a total of under 20 covid cases 2 weeks ago. Simple solution and low cost ivermectin kits to all of the population.
ThisIsOurs 3 years, 6 months ago
cnn has as its headline story the tale of a 15 year old Floridian girl who's been on a ventilator for 11 days and now wants the vaccine. Of course they are highlighting the angle of a young teenager severely impacted by COVID. They also have a picture of the teenager. She is easily over 80lbs overweight. Can a health official pleeaaase report numbers on how obesity has impacted our COVID hospitalizations and deaths locally? You could save many lives with this targeted messaging
Define what obesity is. Some women (and men) believe its a show of sexiness. Some overweight men believe its a manifestation of their success.
And again just to be clear, having a normal weight doesn't mean you cant have severe side effects too. Weight is just a more obvious/clear and apparently higher frequency risk.
ohdrap4 3 years, 6 months ago
Asthma also, which is quite common in the population.
They need to identify risk factors for different age groups and reccommend vaccines and boosters for them.
What they will soon start to give is 3rd doses, not boosters.
Slowly, but steadily, doctors are risking ostracism and damage to their careers, to reject the politicization(?) Of public health policies. The nurses started earlier.
The obesity risk starts at 30 bmi. But, in the Bahamas, that us called "solid", "big boned". Funny thing, skeletons are never fat, are they?
ThisIsOurs 3 years, 6 months ago
True. What they tell me is most vaccines require booster shots.
They need to break it down for the audience though "bmi" is too technical. Dr Sands is excellent at explaining medical information. Dr Brennen is as well, superb, Sands has a more common touch, I mean in the way he speaks, he flows easily into Bahamian dialect. That would actually make a very good health television show "Sands & Brennen, On the Case "
Twocent 3 years, 6 months ago…
Antibody Dependent Enhancement is still never mentioned! WHY ? No mention of whether the cases are vaccinated or unvaccinated. WHY? Obesity isn’t the only health risk in this pandemic, either as a co-morbidities, risk factors, or other factors related to public health measures. WHY? When we look at all the morbidities and mortalities over the last 18months and try to understand the health consequences of the future surely we have much more to discuss than just hearing scare tactics to satisfy the financial supporters of a health organization which in turn supports the profits! Why would even asking these questions and trying to make sense of the crazy be a bad thing?
ThisIsOurs 3 years, 6 months ago
No obesity isnt the only health risk. As I said above its just the most "obvious"... (along with age)
A normal weight individual may be out jogging everyday unaware that theyre diabetic or have heart disease. But without the aid of any special test, a person who's obese can readily determine that theyre unhealthy... for the most part. (Some education needs to be had for persons who believe theyre just "solid")
And since 60% of us are estimated to be obese, if you get the message out to those people that "you are the vulnerable", those people can get vaccinated. That's 60% some of whom may have been reluctant previously now having a motivation to get vaccinated because they are at severe risk.
I personally dont like the idea of this vaccine but I do agree that, especially for vulnerable persons, its a much better option.
bahamianson 3 years, 6 months ago
Ifnyou didnt get the memo, the idea is that the vaccine is here therefore, there is no need to shut down the country. What does.that mean? It means that Bahamians should get vaccinated or............... , but there is not going to be anymore lock downs. Make your decision.
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