Wellington Roberts defends decision to withdraw candidacy


Wellington Roberts


Tribune Staff Reporter


LOCAL comedian and activist Wellington Roberts has responded to critics of his decision to resign from the Coalition of Independents and withdraw his candidacy less than two weeks before the next general election.

The announcement of Mr Roberts’ decision was made in a press statement released by COI officials on Thursday.

“Today we received a resignation from our endorsed candidate for North Andros and the Berry Islands, Wellington Roberts,” the statement read. “We have accepted his resignation and we have withdrawn our endorsement.”

Following the announcement, photos circulated on social media showing Mr Roberts dressed in Progressive Liberal Party paraphernalia surrounded by other party supporters.

In an apparent shot at the move, the COI said: “We remind the general public and the voters at large that the PLP and FNM will do or pay anything to prevent Bahamians from benefitting directly from our natural resources and being put first in this nation.

“Many persons are weak and will sell out their nation for a bowl of porridge. The Coalition of Independents remains committed to standing with and for Bahamians who are dissatisfied with the state this country is in.”

Responding to allegations surrounding his resignation Thursday night, Mr Roberts explained that his decision was largely due to a lack of support and finances among other reasons.

“I resigned because I needed to be true to self. I’m an entertainer. I’m a comedian. I love to see people laugh. I’m going to start my show again and I’m going to live in my truth,” he said in a Facebook live video on Thursday night.

Mr Roberts also noted that his support for the COI was sincere and further asserted that he was never a political sell-out.

“I’ve been advocating for Androsians. I’ve advocated for Bahamians. I’ve advocated for the Atlantis workers. I’ve advocated for the three thousand plus Atlantis workers, got locked up, went to jail (and) was going to big jail. . .

“This wasn’t no game for me. I wasn’t faking. I ain’t mixed up. I ain’t switched. I ain’t walked away. I resigned. I removed myself from the race. I resigned. Nobody buy me out. I wasn’t never a PLP spy,” he added.

Despite his resignation and nomination withdrawal, Mr Roberts said he will continue to advocate for Bahamians. He also pledged support for the PLP’s candidate for North Andros and the Berry Islands constituency, Leonardo Lightbourne, who he said is the best choice for the nation.


The_Oracle 3 years, 6 months ago

Perhaps he saw the nature of the game, and didn't like the smell. A more honorable move than we have ever seen from an elected or appointed official. Which unto itself is telling. Or maybe not. Who knows.

JokeyJack 3 years, 6 months ago

Honorable to resign after confirmation and just inside the legal 5 day window after nomination day?

JokeyJack 3 years, 6 months ago

"I’m going to start my show again and I’m going to live in my truth,” he said in a Facebook live video on Thursday night."

Yee, if PLP wins it will be a big show.

ABOMINATION 3 years, 6 months ago

This country will never get anywhere near decent! Because we vote for Party and stupidity, we vote for corruption and some Men and Women with no morals, values, integrity. The sitting PM started with a lie, the former PM's all started with a lie, and We wont even talk about the one one in the Yellow shirt, who dear aspire to be a PM, with a track record the reaps of corruption, disgust and sweethearting. And where are the honest Journalists' in this country, who wont even put the right questions to these candidates. If you could lie, cheat on your wife, and steal from your clients, how could you put yourselves forward to Lead our country? And many Bahamians know that most of these Politicians have no values or morals, some of them are married, and sweetheart like crazy!!! Sure no ones perfect, but we have to pick a team that has some upstanding, proven track records of success, etc. have etiquette and decorum, and a real not fake heart for the people. And yes, just because a person is nice, does not make them a good leader, or because the women dress nice!! its quite shallow...use your intelligence this election, and vote for a change, what are we scared of..we are the Employers, we set our own manifesto. If there is anytime for the Bahamas to show that we are not a bunch of corrupt people, looking for handouts, the time is now to vote in a new breed of younger people to take this country to the level it should have been decades ago. RIse up wake up from slumber and laziness people and vote for better.

ABOMINATION 3 years, 6 months ago

When intelligent people, with good values, Morals, Ethics, Diplomacy, leadership skills, people or CEO's with proven track records of running successful companies, sit by and do not offer themselves to help our Country, then what do we expect when we vote for people, who have No Class, No values, No moral or ethical fiber in them. Phillip Brave running!!! Minnis got the PM job! Lord have mercy, if they can run for PM, then any Dog can run. Are you telling me we cannot do any better than this people of the Bahamas! Stop the madness on these crazy hyped up motorcades that leads to nothing but more money in the pockets of thieves who raped this country, keep us taxed to poverty and steal our hopes of enjoying a beautiful life with our families. The Country that God gave us all to enjoy, were giving away. Remember Voters, you are the Employer! not the Employee of the Government..so you should tell them what you want. We set the goals. We tell them what we want to see in our country and where we want to take it! Not the other way around....thats why they are arrogant, we let them just run amuck and do whatever the heck they want with us!! The devil is a liar!! Give this country a chance with new Leaders.

joeblow 3 years, 6 months ago

... individuals entering parties know they cannot change anything because of the ingrained corruption, so only a new party made up of the people you mentioned have a shout, and they can't form that party 1 month before an election!

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