AFTER a weekend filled with political rallies, motorcades and other campaign events, the Medical Association of The Bahamas is expressing “grave concern” that those activities might turn out to be “super spreaders”.
With only days left until the country’s general election, major political parties were at the height of campaigning this past weekend, trying to secure votes and become the next government of The Bahamas.
In a statement sent to the press on Sunday, the Medical Association frowned upon the campaigning and drew examples of other countries that held elections during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The MAB statement said, “The Medical Association of The Bahamas is gravely concerned about the mass gatherings that were held this weekend by campaigning political parties. The country is experiencing rapid escalation in the number of individuals becoming COVID-19 positive, needing hospitalisation and of persons dying due to this devastating illness.
“These gatherings in the past have been observed as super spreader events. We look at data collected from countries in our region that have held elections during the pandemic and demonstrated a jump in cases post-election due to exposure during election campaigns.”
The Free National Movement held two rallies – one in Grand Bahama on Friday night and the other in Andros on Saturday. Although the party has billed its rallies as “drive-thru”, photos have shown many supporters getting out of their cars to cheer the speakers on.
The Progressive Liberal Party had previously cancelled its drive-thru rallies due to the rise in COVID-19 cases. However, the party had a mass motorcade in the capital on Saturday that went from one end of the island to the next with unmasked people on trucks and countless people in cars.
The PLP has, however, held virtual events with a virtual rally on the weekend. The party boasted that it was the first time a political party ever held such events.
The MAB statement continued, “Our healthcare facilities are swamped and we are losing medical persons exposed to this deadly virus, including physicians. If this trend continues, we will need to expand capacity for the probable increase in cases that will result from our inability to consistently enforce COVID-19 protocols during the campaign season.
“We call on the relevant authorities to enforce all campaigning protocols. Observing protocols saves lives and protects the Bahamian population at large. This is absolutely no time to let our guard down or ignore the intensity of the pandemic by participating in such careless behaviour that puts our lives at an even greater risk.”
Besides the two major political parties, third parties also held events at their constituency headquarters.
joeblow 3 years, 6 months ago
... covid scared of politicians too , so it does not go to political rallies. It only goes to families and friends homes, church, work, schools and restaurants!
tell_it_like_it_is 3 years, 6 months ago
Yeah, cause Covid19 getting the most votes anyway!!
Seems like the only one winning this election is Covid19. It just proves that these parties are all talk. If money and power comes into play, everything else goes out the window. SMH
They can lock down businesses, but never lockdown rallies. It proves disingenuousness.
ThisIsOurs 3 years, 6 months ago
A "drive in" rally where everyone out their car is a regular we defying protocols rally. And that Minister of Health must be the most clueless man ever. He points out to the reporter that he's also "out of his car".
TalRussell 3 years, 6 months ago
If the Royal Constabulary has arrested the Homeless and Coconut Water Sellers — why not the politicians, — Yes?
tell_it_like_it_is 3 years, 6 months ago
Yes Tal, understood that one. Totally agree!!
whogothere 3 years, 6 months ago
Definitely super spreader events and exposes the hypocrisy of both parties - people have been putting off weddings and funerals for 1.5 years and these idiots can't hold back for more than week before dancing on the back of trucks and holding cookout galore...Well hopefully it rips the bandaid off - endure what we most now with our crappy health care so as to persevere later...India case in point..wild infection hit 70% over the months of may/June and is now in the endemic part of the pandemic... Meanwhile Israel in spite massive still in the top 3 in terms daily cases and occupied the top spot for 4 days strait...…
rosiepi 3 years, 6 months ago
The hypocrisy resides in so many, but our Ministry of Health's refusal to include in it's tally the number of positive cases obtained from the very tests they distributed to the employers and clinics in the Bahamas has made a mockery of the position they occupy as guardians of the health and welfare of Bahamian citizens. How can anyone hope to obtain realistic data, conduct contact tracing and prevent the spread of this virus by such mismanagement and the withholding of vital information from it's citizens?
TigerB 3 years, 6 months ago
I'm confused, the numbers were high before these rallies, not only that, Grand Bahama numbers are still the same or lower as it was before the rallies, 10 today. Many not happy with the rallies, but are excited about the emergency order that will discontinue when Brave "wins" this election. Nothing will stop anyone from congregating then. Perhaps the doctors need to support the emergency order. The rallies are nothing, it will be over in under 2 weeks, the moving of the order will kill everyone. If the PLP wins the emergency order will be gone in a matter of days... no need to be concern about the rallies, a bigger issue lies ahead. Nassau has all the bad numbers, your morgue is full, your hospital is all need to really be a concern if there be "A New Day".
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