SELECT COVID-19 vaccination centres on New Providence will offer extended hours this week to better accommodate school-aged children eligible to receive the Pfizer vaccine.
The Kendal Isaacs Gym, St Joseph’s Parish Hall and Loyola Hall will operate until 7pm starting today through Friday.
The following centres will also operate this Saturday from 9am – 4pm:
• Loyola Hall, Gladstone Road
• Kendal G L Isaacs Gym, University Drive
• St Joseph’s Parish Hall, Boyd Road
• Baha Mar, Melia Nassau Beach
The St Anselm’s Parish Hall vaccination centre will operate from 9am – 4pm Monday to Friday.
“We are very encouraged by the number of 12–17-year-olds who have come out to receive the Pfizer vaccine so far,” said Dr Merceline Dahl- Regis, chair of the National COVID-19 Vaccine Consultative Committee in a press release.
“We need to get as many of our eligible children vaccinated as quickly as possible so that they can safely return to the classroom.”
As of last Friday, 5,154 12–17-year-olds have received a first dose of the Pfizer vaccine, which is available to everyone 12 years and older.
According to the government’s weekly vaccine tracker, 161,613 total doses of the COVID-19 vaccine have been administered as of September 4.
The government said 105,753 people have received one dose of a vaccine while 59,002 people are fully vaccinated.
The number of fully vaccinated people includes people who have taken shots abroad and registered on the platform.
The vaccine committee said all centres will be administering the Pfizer vaccine at this time. The St Joseph’s Parish Hall centre is administering Pfizer and the one-shot Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine.
The administration of second doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine will resume on New Providence starting Tuesday, September 14.
First doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine are no longer being administered.
Vaccination teams are returning to Long Island, Exuma, Andros and Rum Cay this week to administer the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, first doses of the Pfizer vaccine and second doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine.
Vaccination teams were in Eleuthera, Harbour Island and Spanish Wells, and mainland Abaco and the cays over the past two weeks as part of the continued rollout of COVID-19 vaccines in the Family Islands. Additional vaccination centres were also available on Grand Bahama last week.
COVID-19 vaccines have been delivered to San Salvador, Bimini, Inagua, Acklins, Crooked Island and Cat Island to be administered by the local health teams. Mayaguana is scheduled to receive vaccines today.
People who have received the AstraZeneca vaccine as a first dose, may receive Pfizer as a second dose if they choose.
Schedules are posted weekly on vaccine and are updated regularly.
To make an appointment online visit
Walk-up appointments are available at all vaccination centres.
John 3 years, 4 months ago
Has the THIRD WAVE PEAKED? Numbers worldwide should a 16% decline in the numbers under the week before . And it appears that the curve for the third ( some say fourth) is bending for the first time in months. Even in The Bahamas, last weeks numbers fro new cases were down by 200 under the week prior and this week the numbers were down by 136 cases or 8% under the week before. In fact the country has come out of triple digits and now recording double digit new cases. The US also recorded a significant drop in new cases along with several other major countries. Unfortunately it appears that many smaller countries, some in the Caribbean, who did not yet have a third wave are now experiencing surges in cases. Though the numbers are small in some cases, (one country went from 0 to 84 cases) they represent a significant percentage increase. Barbados, Bermuda, Haiti, Cayman Islands, st Vincent and the Grenadines all saw their numbers at least double over the past week, but since all these countries had relatively low numbers prior the actual increase in numbers were fairly low, mostly in the teens or twenties.
John 3 years, 4 months ago
And the United Kingdom is one of the few major countries that did not experience a decline in new cases last week free battling the third wave for months.
carltonr61 3 years, 4 months ago…
I don't know what witchcraft science our Covid team is following.
John 3 years, 4 months ago
They are too busy pushing vaccines to follow the science. Persons who are getting vaccinated may be in for a redu awakening. Follow closely what Anthony Fauci is saying and doing .
carltonr61 3 years, 4 months ago
Sorry John, could be deeper than Fauci.…
carltonr61 3 years, 4 months ago
Whose guidlines is Bahamian Covid scientists following? None. Vaccines for children was just a suggestion and is debatable. Children risk of heart damage is worst than the effects of Covid. Their is insufficient data to prove the benefits of child vaccination. Already Israel data is showing vaccination every six or eight months or you become quickly unvaccinated after a second shot. The narrative is rolling toward the scary unknown.
carltonr61 3 years, 4 months ago
WHO is cleverly ambiguous about child vaccination. They say certain vaccines are safe for children. Children are not a priority. Children only in at risk groups should be vaccinated. Covid is not a real danger for children.
What is resounding is the lack of data toward child vaccination by WHO as a precautionary scapegoat. Nothing WHO or PAHO says points to the emergency hype our Covid Bahamian scientists are nailing into unsuspecting parents heads.…
carltonr61 3 years, 4 months ago
Nuremberg trials for crimes against humanity in the form of live human drug experimentation awaits our Covid team and MPs 100% seal of approval backers. Nuremberg Codes must be answered. For going on two years now we have been living in a concentration camp with vaccine passports to ensure freedoms even though the vaccinated according to WHO and CDC Scientists data shows even the vaccinated carry and pass Covid. There must be a better and different way.
ohdrap4 3 years, 4 months ago
When these trials happen, we will be long gone.
Remember only a handful of Tuskegee experiment survived wehn they paid them a couple dollars begrudgingly.
And I think only acouple of 80-90 yo received some art stolen from their families byt the nazis.
joeblow 3 years, 4 months ago
The nonsense about vaccinations allowing things to get back to normal is refuted by the evidence or increasing "breakthrough infections" in the vaccinated. The vaccinated can still spread covid, hence the need for them to continue with the same measures of mask wearing etc.…
carltonr61 3 years, 4 months ago
Our nurses and physicians union have given personal caution towards themselves being vaccinated but because, I guess no one listens they have not added to WHO caution and wait for data even though we know WHO outcomes always favor the pharma money making industrial complex. Only the UK has so far forbidden child vaccination based on the risk of vaccination damage is greater than Covid in the young developing bodies. Maybe if the right amount of money is paid they too will change their minds. Science is being sold and bought against human life which have become just a case number. WHO is using plausible denyability saying vaccines are safe, safe only for children who are vulnerable and also children are not vulnerable. We will see the results after two years of needed testing time. In the meantime, the vaccines don't prevent Covid, vaccinated spread Covid and vaccinated could live or die but so too the unvaccinated with they exception being negative unvaccinated cannot spread Covid unlike the vaccinated.
carltonr61 3 years, 4 months ago
@ joeblow. If don't give ear to our own Bahamian native species of proffessional doctors and nurses I doubt they could read, understand and put into practice any findings from the above. They can only cherrypick PAHO's WHO ambiguity and dictates that rubberbands any initiative toward vaccinations that neither cures as first promised, prevents but also spreads covid. Across the globe they are pushing the narrative you will need a third or fourth shot to be considered fully vaccinated. We could expect to hear the change here also as we are always on script.
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