116 new cases of COVID-19, 22 virus-related deaths


Tribune Staff Reporter


MINISTRY of Health officials have reported 116 new cases of COVID-19 and 22 virus-related deaths, bringing the nation’s overall tally to 20,030.

According to data released in its September 16 dashboard, the bulk of the new cases — 108 — were in New Providence.

Five new cases were reported for Grand Bahama, one each for Eleuthera and Andros while another case was listed with location pending.

Thursday’s cases pushed the nation’s confirmed total to 20,030 – with 1,662 infections still active.

In terms of virus deaths, the Ministry of Health said 504 people have now died from the virus. A further 29 deaths still remain under investigation, however.

The latest deceased victims include fourteen New Providence residents, seven Grand Bahama residents and one resident from Eleuthera. Their ages range from 32 to 99 years old.

Two of those deaths occurred last month – on August 24 and 25 respectively – while the remaining twenty took place between September 4 to September 14.

Meanwhile, 176 COVID-19 patients are still in hospital, 21 of whom are in the intensive care unit.

The news comes after thousands of Bahamians on Thursday gathered to the polls to cast their votes, many of whom who later took to the streets to celebrate after the Progressive Liberal Party was declared the unofficial winner of 2021 general elections.

Health unions have repeatedly expressed concern that the political activities will be super-spreader events.

“We’ve seen in other countries that they’ve had elections and it caused insurmountable increases in COVID cases and we already cannot handle what we’re having happen right now,” Dr Sabriquet Pinder-Butler, president of the Consultant Physicians Staff Association, told The Tribune last month.

“So, this is extremely concerning and frightening for us as a healthcare team knowing that we’re already more than beyond deep in the battle of what we’re having and trying to save lives and now we know that elections have been called and we know what tends to come along with that so it's very concerning.”

To contain the spread of COVID-19, residents are reminded of the following: if you have symptoms, contact your health provider; while home remedies may work for a period it is important to get tested and receive the proper care before symptoms become too difficult to manage; if you have been asked by the Surveillance Unit to get tested for COVID-19, please follow the advice and take the gold standard RT-PCR test.


ThisIsOurs 3 years, 6 months ago

too bad that due to ill-timed election activities, alot more asymptomatic people are walking around now. We'll know in 2-3 weeks if there are any negative implications of that.

ohdrap4 3 years, 6 months ago

People jamming in fox hill. The barbecue smelled very good.

But I drove by while masked.

JokeyJack 3 years, 6 months ago

Too bad you were wearing your mask which protects you from any foreign particles such as bbq smoke and viruses and were unable to savor the smell. Very sad. But at least your "life" was saved, or at least your heartbeat if not a life.

JokeyJack 3 years, 6 months ago

Why don't yall shut up with ya stupidness? People just tired of hearing about a disease killing people when yall noisemakers are the same set that are denying them medication and early treatment. Just shut up please. Yall want people to die. If you did not, you would not block medicines.

carltonr61 3 years, 6 months ago

Both UK and a much more hesitant USA are introducing Covid treatment and pretreatment options as every five to six months booster shots ad infinitum is raising eyebrows as to whether the vaccine actcually works. While Banana Repuctic Tourist Dependent nations under obligation of WHO are still pushing Vaccine mandate Super Powers are jumping ship. Enough evidence exists that the elusive cesspool in the room super spreader event is massive vaccinations with scientific fear of constant boosting. Florida, using treatments intervention centers has seen zero fatalities. It is catching on but gaining mega powerful enemie$.


JokeyJack 3 years, 6 months ago

No, that is just another piece of rubbish being pushed in Florida by Desantis. It's called Regeneron and is invested in by one of his top donors. It is over $3000 per treatment.

Instead im talking about the 2 real medicines that work for early treatment and are under fifty bucks.

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