COOPER: MORE COVID LIMITS TO BE LIFTED – Deputy PM expects further easing if case numbers stay down

DEPUTY Prime Minister Chester Cooper yesterday. Photo: Donavan McIntosh/Tribune Staff

DEPUTY Prime Minister Chester Cooper yesterday. Photo: Donavan McIntosh/Tribune Staff


Tribune Staff Reporter


GIVEN the continued decline in COVID-19 numbers, Deputy Prime Minister Chester Cooper says he expects a further ease to virus restrictions in the weeks ahead.

According to Mr Cooper, a meeting was expected to be held on the issue in Cabinet yesterday. While he was unable to say which measures are being considered for removal, Mr Cooper said the government is seeking to strike an economic and health balance.

This comes as some countries are doing away with restrictive measures, including social distancing guidelines and mask mandates.

“I think first of all, we acknowledge that there has been a significant level of COVID fatigue,” Mr Cooper said before going to a Cabinet meeting yesterday.

“People are very tired of wearing masks and we’re seeing a (reduction) of the protocols around the world. We are consistently looking at our protocols here in The Bahamas. We’re going to have ongoing discussion along with the Ministry of Health in relation to all of the protocols. We’re meeting in Cabinet today and this will be a subject for discussion.

“Where we go next will be really determined by the balance we’ve been trying to strike all along between the economy and tourism and public health and safety. I anticipate over the course of the next several weeks that you will consistently see a reduction of the COVID protocols, and this is going to be very positive for tourism. It’s going to be easier for persons to move about and go about their normal way of living and I think by and large, tourists in our source markets — particularly in the United States — are ready to move on.”

 Asked yesterday if the government was considering lifting current mask mandates, Mr Cooper said it’s a matter that was still under discussion.

 “Well, the mask mandate has always been a point of discussion. We’ve discussed it before. The Ministry of Health is looking at it closely and we are going to be monitoring it. That’s all I can say at this point. It is up for discussion and we’ll make formal announcements in due course,” he said.

 As of Sunday, there were 133 active COVID cases in the country, with five people in hospital with the virus.

 In view of low COVID numbers, Mr Cooper said many hotels are petitioning for the government to further scale back measures.

 “Hotels are generally fatigued by the protocols,” he said. “They listen to their customers. Their customers are saying enough and most of them are coming from the States and generally speaking, they want to see the back of the protocols quite frankly, the elimination of masks and making it easier to travel. They have gone as far as recommending no testing at the border, but, again you know, we have an interest and obligation to the Bahamian people and the stakeholders. Therefore, we are going to strike a balance and we are going to do what’s best for the industry and the people.”

 As it relates to the future of the travel health visa, Mr Cooper said: “It serves the purpose really of monitoring COVID and being able to contact trace, etc, and if there’s no need for it, there’s no need for it and so we will be monitoring it closely and we’re not going to be precipitous in the actions that we take recognising that it’s difficult to restart it if we eliminate it, but suffice to say that it’s always under active consideration. As for a specific date, I can’t tell you that at the moment. We’re monitoring trends and I want you to know there’s an appetite to see the end of it.”


KapunkleUp 2 years, 8 months ago

At this point all restrictions should be lifted. People can make their own choices about vaccines and masks.

whogothere 2 years, 8 months ago

Amen enough is enough...

JokeyJack 2 years, 8 months ago

You are wrong !!! The mask mandates must remain in place for children especially. Without masks, children will be able to function properly in school and not get sick from breathing fungus built up on masks. Do you really want children to learn and become productive members of society? They will grow up and threaten to take your job. We must keep children sick and ignorant, that is the only way that we can have job security.

Most of these children are just the result of broken condoms anyway, and so they don't really deserve freedom - nor even do they deserve life truly when you think about it.

I say mask them up !!! Double mask them !!! Triple inject them with experimental chemicals !!! Lock them up at home !!!! Maybe there are even some other things we can think of to do to them, and just explain our actions by saying "We are saving their lives". ? Let's use our imagination.

tribanon 2 years, 8 months ago

Thank you, thank you, oh mighty and most merciful master Chester.... thank you, thank you, thank you. I can't say it enough.

Can I get your permission to go to the restroom more than once a day? I really need to go bad right now.

Once again, thank you, thank you, for giving me back freedoms that you should have never supported being taken from me in the first place. LMAO

JokeyJack 2 years, 8 months ago

You don't need to go to the restroom more than once a day !!!! That is ridiculous. Simply tie a mask from the top of the your underwear wasteband and wrap the other elastic tightly around your scrotum. The mask will catch any leakage and prevent the virus from entering thru your anus at the same time. I've been doing this over a year now and it is working perfectly fine for me. I recommend it strongly. For women, maybe think of some way of tieing up to the man in the boat. Be creative. You people just aren't creative enough. When you are a slave you have to think of things to make your life worthwhile. The old slaves used to jump over brooms at wedding ceremonies. That made lots of sense and as a resulf they were practically free. We can be practically free under a dictatorship also. Just keeeping voting FNM and PLP and pretending you are free. It's a good life, and a new day.

JokeyJack 2 years, 8 months ago

I'm sure I will see all of you dancing on July 10th celebrating your freedom.

Alan1 2 years, 8 months ago

The Health Visa and the tests have to be abolished forthwith if we are to see a rebound in tourism. People are now unwilling to go through all the hassles to come to our country when they can go nearly everywhere else with no hassles. When will we wake up to reality? The Health Visa has been a great deterrent to travelling here along with the tests and ridiculously short time levels-currently 3 days- to get here. Is there no common sense in the Tourism Ministry?

realfreethinker 2 years, 8 months ago

There isn't any common sense in the cabinet or the ministry of health

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