Where are the treasures rescued from lost galleon?

An image from video showing the Allen Exploration treasure hunters at work.

An image from video showing the Allen Exploration treasure hunters at work.


Tribune Business Reporter


The press secretary for the Office of the Prime Minister, Clint Watson, says the government’s portion of the treasure recovered from the Spanish galleon Nuestra Senora de la Maravillas is at the Central Bank and will not be open for viewing by the general public for security reasons.

Mr Watson, in a brief Whatsapp response to Tribune Business’s questions about the whereabouts of the treasure and artefacts given to the government by the company searching for the remains of the Maravillas, Allen Exploration, wrote: “The government will not be showing. It is advised that it would be a breach of security to show these assets which are at the Central Bank.”

However, the governor of the Central Bank, John Rolle, had told Tribune Business a month ago he is not aware of the artefacts being housed in the bank. In addition, Allen Exploration has the balance of the artefacts on display in the Bahamas Maritime Museum (BMM) in Freeport already with little to no security concerns at the museum.

Dr Michael Pateman, curator for the BMM, told Tribune Business: “When we find things, we have to conserve them first and not everything that is found will survive conservation.”

The conservation process for the Maravillas involves the oxidation of the artefacts before making a determination of what was found. Often, Allen Exploration would only find small fragments before it is fully evaluated and then it is divided between them and the government.

At all material times a government representative from the Antiquities Monuments & Museums Corporation (AMMC) is present when what is found is divided up between Allen Exploration and The Bahamas government.

“We have two Defence Force officers on our vessels and they sign off on everything that we bring up to the lab,” Dr Pateman said. “When things come into the lab, then I sign off that I’ve received them and we have an AMMC representative in the lab with us and she signs off that this is what’s comes in. Then we do the conservation work, and do the evaluations and all of that other stuff and then we have a discussion with government over what they want.”

Dr Pateman also that in previous times the collection went to the Central Bank, and admitted he is a part of that turnover between the AMMC and the Central Bank. Dr Pateman said: “Then we sign off on everything once again on what is on the list. Everybody checks it and signs it off to confirm this is what was deposited.”

The confusion over the accounting for the artefacts found by Allen Exploration, which all sides admit that the government has in principal, comes in the wake of complaints from government about the deal, including National Security Minister Wayne Munroe saying that any company wishing to do exploration in Bahamian waters should commit to a “process” that would allow for more transparency.

The Cabinet minister with responsibility of the AMMC and who would be able to speak to the whereabouts of the treasure and the ability to view them is Prime Minister Philip “Brave’ Davis.

• This story has been changed to say that the governor of the Central Bank, John Rolle, “had told Tribune Business...”, it originally said “had not told...”.


themessenger 2 years, 4 months ago

"The press secretary for the Office of the Prime Minister, Clint Watson, says the government’s portion of the treasure recovered from the Spanish galleon Nuestra Senora de la Maravillas is at the Central Bank and will not be open for viewing by the general public for security reasons."

Will the governments portion aka the Bahamian peoples portion, of the treasure ever be itemized and valued by a competent independent body or will all of it be viewed only by them ( the government) before finding its way into the personal possessions of our politicians never to be seen or heard of again?

I guess Clint's, aka da gubmints' take is, da people can't miss what dey never had.

moncurcool 2 years, 4 months ago

So the government portion, which is smaller and supposedly stored at the Central Bank, can't be viewed for security reasons. Allen Exploration portion which is substantially larger, is no view and no security concerns, andThe Central Bank governor has no knowledge of anything stored in the central Bank.

Boy this New Day government know how so spin all kinds of stuff.

tribanon 2 years, 4 months ago

Allen Exploration was able to get the lion's share of the recovered treasure by agreeing not to provide the Bahamian people with a detailed itemized listing (with accompanying photos) of each piece of the treasure given to the corrupt Davis led PLP government.

And it really doesn't take a genius to figure out why the principals behind Allen Exploration and the corrupt Davis led PLP government happily came to such an usual 'no records' arrangement. LOL

tribanon 2 years, 4 months ago

However, the governor of the Central Bank, John Rolle, had NOT told Tribune Business a month ago he is NOT aware of the artefacts being housed in the bank.

Can't help but wonder if The Tribune's reporter, Youri Kemp, is even aware of the significance of the 'double negative' in the above sentence at the start of the third paragraph to this news story.

Maximilianotto 2 years, 4 months ago

Yuri Kemp is an idiot but what would you expect from corrupt Tribune? Who pays most orders the article.

bahamianson 2 years, 4 months ago

The government 's portion is the people's portion, Clint. You have it confused. That loot belongs to the people. Hopefully , pieces do not end up in politicians homes. That will never happen,right?

Maximilianotto 2 years, 4 months ago

Where else would the pieces end up?

themessenger 2 years, 4 months ago

And while we're on the subject of treasure and artifacts salvaged from our waters and other places closer to home, does anyone know what became of the undersea artifacts discovered of Bimini when Doris Johnson was Minister of Transport? Does anyone know of the final resting place of the cannons that were removed from Rawson Square for renovations never to be seen in Rawson Square from that day to this? Inquiring minds would like to know.

ThisIsOurs 2 years, 4 months ago

This one bowl of spaghetti. Somebody please call in Hercule Poirot

tribanon 2 years, 4 months ago

We need search warrants for the homes of some the members of our corrupt and elitist political ruling class, like the Wicked Witch of The West for instance. LMAO

The_Oracle 2 years, 4 months ago

“We have two Defence Force officers on our vessels and they sign off on everything that we bring up to the lab,” Dr Pateman said. Wonder what never comes to the surface to be accounted for, but may be picked up later...... Just sayin.

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