A sailing legend

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I was saddened to learn of the passing to Sir Godfrey Kelly, co-founder of the Cat Island Regatta which started in Knowles, Cat Island in 1956. I first came to know Sir Godfrey when I served as President of the Cat Island Sailing Club Association, organisers of the regatta.

I was especially honoured to have been president in 2016 when the regatta celebrated its Diamond Jubilee anniversary 1956-2016, as we recognised a giant of a man and a philanthropist to the regatta. Sir Godfrey also served as the Member of Parliament for Cat Island and the Minister responsible for education.

Sir Godfrey was an outstanding sailing athlete. He competed in 1960, 64, 68 and 72 Olympics. While serving as president, I especially looked forward in great anticipation to meeting with Sir Godfrey before each regatta. He was witty, sharp and astute. He had a memory that was unbelievable even at that late stage in his life. I truly enjoyed my meetings with him and always came away feeling truly impressed by his wisdom.

I wish to convey my condolences to his wife, Sonia and his entire family. May his soul rest in peace!


Past President,

Cat Island

Sailing Club,


February 14, 2022.


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