EXPLOSION: Staggering 1000 cases in two days with Omicron now running rampant


Tribune Senior Reporter


FREE National Movement leader Michael Pintard says the government is being too relaxed in handling the latest surge in COVID-19 cases after the country recorded an unprecedented 1,966 cases from December 27 to January 2.



This record weekly number of cases includes the two highest daily number of recorded cases since the start of the pandemic: 520 on December 30, 2021 and 477 on January 2.

Globally, health officials recommend that countries keep the COVID-19 positivity rate below five percent. In the last week, however, the positivity rate stood at 37 percent, meaning community spread of the virus is likely far higher than the already high number of daily confirmed cases indicate.

The country recorded 2,483 cases of COVID-19 in December 2021 alone.

While the rate of hospitalisation remains far lower than during previous waves, the number of hospitalised cases is gradually increasing and were reported to be 43 as of January 2. Four people are in the intensive care unit. In contrast, at the start of last month only 18 people were in hospital with the virus.

“What does concern us,” Mr Pintard said yesterday, “is the government still appears to be entirely too relaxed given the severity of this situation and are not sending strong enough signals, so one thing we would do differently is ensure that both expats and Bahamian citizens, that all of them operate according to the same rules.


FREE National Movement leader Michael Pintard.

 “The different set of rules at the hotel unfortunately does not solve what the government hopes it would solve and it comes across as primarily and almost exclusively a business decision given the occupancy at the hotels. If the thing you hope to solve is protection of lives in the short and medium-term and the protection of livelihoods to ensure commerce is not disrupted, then you have to pay attention to what works in terms of safety and Bahamians are going in the hotels, they are checking into hotels and staying so we have to require that the safety protocols are applied to hotels.”

 Although the Davis administration has placed a cap on the number of people allowed at gatherings— 20 people for indoor settings and no more than 30 for outdoor events— planned activities at hotels have not been interrupted. On New Year’s Eve, American rapper and singer Doja Cat performed at an outdoor concert at the Atlantis resort, for example.

 Mr Pintard said he does not support current rules limiting the sizes of gatherings, saying he would prefer restrictions based on the size of a place.

  “We should look at a percentage in terms of the capacity of a building,” he said. “A very large church, a very large hotel property, obviously could accommodate a lot more persons as long as it could be done safely and the space can permit it.”

 Health Minister Dr Michael Darville has said the government is preparing to launch its pilot free COVID-19 testing programme in New Providence. He said officials hope the programme will not cost the government more than between $40,000 to $50,000 per week.

 The programme will involve rapid antigen tests, which experts say appears to be even less sensitive at detecting the Omicron variant of COVID-19 than earlier strains of the virus.

 “The government has just changed, we want the government on these life and death issues to succeed on these issues so we are not providing any knee-jerk reaction,” Mr Pintard said. “The government should get out of the business now of the pandering. They ought to give the facts as they are so that their credibility is not brought into question. Deliver the information straight. We know that rapid antigen tests are not as reliable. This isn’t something the government has just discovered. The PCR test will be too expensive for them...they should just say that.”

 Nonetheless, Mr Pintard said Dr Darville has committed to including the opposition in weekly EOC briefings. He said the opposition will collaborate with the government on an education campaign.


John 3 years, 2 months ago

Glad to see some businesses are increasing their safety protocols. Some restaurants and retail stores are only offering pickup and curbside service. Customers are not allowed inside. And experts are advising people who take Covid tests and they have symptoms, treat it as being positive even if the results come back negative. Especially if it is a rapid test. And persons who can work from home are encouraged to do so. It appears that everyone will eventually get infected by Omicron.

ohdrap4 3 years, 2 months ago

What about the h3n2 flu? That was not in the vaccine 2021. How many of these cases are the flu?

Biminibrad 3 years, 2 months ago

This will come and go in 30 days.

ForeverDreamer 3 years, 2 months ago

This is a best case scenario that the reports of it being mild stays true for our native gene pool. But some are acting as if it's so mild that you should want to get it asap which can't be helpful. A few friends came into town before new years and they aren't really having "mild" symptoms after catching it. From fainting to being unable to think clearly enough to dial a number on a smart phone.

ThisIsOurs 3 years, 2 months ago

what is their medical condition? One person experiencing ill effects (sorry theyre sick btw, even a common cold is a miserable thing) doesnt mean that generally there'll be severe symptoms

ForeverDreamer 3 years, 2 months ago

Two are hospitalized but stable due to fevers affecting mental state and possible organ damage and breathing failures causing fainting. Four others are generally ill but have not required medical attention so far. They are sub 30 years old and non-obese with no other known medical issues to me.

Your tone while apparently agreeable seems to speak to Omicron is a cold POV. I will say it's milder than when my uncle and cousins were infected early in 2020 but to say it's mild versus milder than the worst of the strains are very distinct statements. I'm glad my friends seem to not be getting sicker but it isn't a common cold, unless they did not get the Omicron strain, then that may a possible reason.

ThisIsOurs 3 years, 2 months ago

But worldwide and locally the data says younger people,but markedly less people are being infected. the data doesnt say its imposible for someoneone to experience severe symptoms. So far Ive heard about 3 people dying from.Omicroon. globally

No I dont think Omicron is a cold. I said its "bad enough" to have a common cold. I imagine COVID would be degrees above a cold on the discomfort scale even if "mild"

TalRussell 3 years, 2 months ago

Michael Pintard is correct, de premiership "Brave" Davis's govt have been too damn relaxed.
I'd add, gov are no doubt rolling de dice at this point of weeks before every member UK Colony's out islanders popoulaces, will know someone who has de virus and everything else like this and that resulting utter panic at hospitals. Say's she time shut de borders.
if youse out, youse must stay arses out,** ― Yes?

Proguing 3 years, 2 months ago

Nothing to worry about, PCR tests will be required to enter the country on the 7th of January. The government has it all under control...

tribanon 3 years, 2 months ago

The evil powers that be are now fooling around with the traditional seasonal flu vaccine. All flu vaccines in the United States for the 2021-2022 season are quadrivalent vaccines.

hrysippus 3 years, 2 months ago

One thousand cases of the omicron,..........But Philly courageously still staggers on,..............He owe too much to dem numbers racketeers,......................Those newly printed Hanna notes , .......stacked up in ever taller tiers.... Money given out to buy the party votes... ...If the numbers boys got planks, then we focus on the motes.... .. ....Political distraction in the only game in town, .. ..... ....uneasy lies the head who wears the party crown...

ThisIsOurs 3 years, 2 months ago

The danger in Omicron is the number of people who are sick at the same time, specifically professions where remote work isnt possible. Imagine if there was an outbreak among garbage men and janitors, that would be a nightmare. Teachers, customs agents, flight attendants, teachers, renal care nurses and on and on.

If the cycle is short lived it'll be maybe a month of some inconveniences nationally. If longer then there would be economic impact. I note Air Canada has already cancelled a recently opened flight path. If the cruise ships stop when would they start again? etc etc

TalRussell 3 years, 2 months ago

I say hoping good luck will indeed follow de Cruise Port's identified as Commoner Investors, who rushed to pledge their future paychequs in pursuit but a wee-tiny piece de $25 millions of Michael Maura's pot gold, cruiseisms' dockins'' vison, ― Yes?

ThisIsOurs 3 years, 2 months ago

Also imagine a scenario where the food assembly line is disrupted "again" due to staff infections. May not happen, alot depends on how long this cycle lasts

TalRussell 3 years, 2 months ago

Guardian's De Revolution with Talkie Host Comrade Juan McCartney is full-speed ahead early since its only de 4th Day New Year 2022, with done sign-up to continue on em's 2021's no shame of conducting Info commercial - kickstarting with interviewing Comfort Suites as if em's be just sharing de hours breaking news and not a show's paid spot's paid advertiser and everything else like this and that, yet no calls yet allowed by listener; Sparkly's prolific conversations* lightening up de show's growing not so busy telephone lines, ― Yes?

B_I_D___ 3 years, 2 months ago

It's a new day!! Go on with ya Brave self!!

sheeprunner12 3 years, 2 months ago

Is the PCR & RA tests reliable to detect Omicron? ...... Will the powers that be give us a true answer?

tribanon 3 years, 2 months ago

Even if you got an answer to your question, would you trust it given all that the outright lying that has gone on over the past 2 years?

Bobsyeruncle 3 years, 2 months ago

RA test can't identify specific strain, but PCR can as long as the lab doing the analysis has the appropriate technology (gene sequencing equipment), which the majority in the US & EU do have, but not sure about Bahamas

rosiepi 3 years, 2 months ago

There's actually only one lab in SK Canada that can do so. The majority in the US cannot either, and some states are barely sequencing above 2%

DWW 3 years, 2 months ago

Well, this is really only a problem for those who have not taken their wax. the waxed ones will simply carry on smartly. The irony when the unwaxed bum is chastising me for wearing a mask which I am wearing to protect him who refused his waxxing. Borthers keeper in the Bahamas? I think perhaps not!

TalRussell 3 years, 2 months ago

@ComradeDWW, impot take note as to de do's and don'ts for what officially passes as bein' all waxed....Excludes bein' in receipt of a fully waxed passport, issued by a Brazilian Wax Parlour, ― Yes?

Sickened 3 years, 2 months ago

Everyone I know who recently got the omicron variant were vaccinated. Thankfully no serious issues.

birdiestrachan 3 years, 2 months ago

What is happening with Covid in the Bahamas is not unique. It is happening all over the world. Pintard seems not to be aware of this.

Doctor Sands said he and his family has been infected. What happened there.?? where did doctor Sands go wrong??

There is more to COVID than is known by all of the great scientists. Time will give answers at least I hope it does.

ThisIsOurs 3 years, 2 months ago

cnn.com "leading expert who helped create the Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine said Tuesday that giving everyone in the world booster shots multiple times a year is not feasible.

"We can't vaccinate the planet every four to six months. It's not sustainable or affordable," Professor Andrew Pollard, the director of the Oxford Vaccine Group and head of the UK's Committee on Vaccination and Immunization, told The Daily Telegraph in an interview published Tuesday.

Pollard also stressed the "need to TARGET THE VULNERABLE" going forward, rather than administering doses to everyone age 12 and older. More data is needed to ascertain "whether, when and how often those who are vulnerable will need additional doses," he said.

This is absolutely incredible. We said this 2 years ago(maybe a year how long these vaccines been out?). If we could figure this out by LOOKING AT DATA, not guessing, looking at DATA, why did we force tens of thousands to vaccinate unnecessarily???

whogothere 3 years, 2 months ago

This is just number of people that are taking PCR tests. I would estimate there is 4-5 positive antigen tests for every positive PCR...people are getting smart - PCR triggers a a shit storm of a fourteen day quarantine and contact tracing. The other reality is most are not seriously ill with the positive test so they're not engaging public health facilities (as opposed to pop up test facilities) and the net result is this COVID is over, this is just average cold..it's not even the flu...TIME TO MOVE ONE PEEPS!!

TalRussell 3 years, 2 months ago

I is closely here in my study, studying De Guardian's Hit Back with Talkie Host I is closely here studying De Hit Back with Nahaja Black's interview with de South African Dr. Shankara Chetty and everything else like this and that Nahaja, asked and didn't bother asks her prerecorded guest, ― Yesinterview with de South African Dr. Shankara Chetty and everything else like this and that Nahaja, asked and didn't bet around to bother asks her prerecorded guest and if should call into de sisters show, asks my own set questions I gat?
But I do got excited over de Comrade Sister advocacy, brungs back de Front Porches, as a conversational housing addition in 2022, ― Yes?

SP 3 years, 2 months ago

Don't get excited just yet, this might very well be the tip of the iceberg! We won't actually know where we are with Covid until the 15th to 18th of this month.

TalRussell 3 years, 2 months ago

@ComradeSP, did you ever think, you'd live to see de day when so-called medical professions, are actually advocating for de global popoulaces,.becoming less healthy, ― Yes?

ThisIsOurs 3 years, 2 months ago

Sure numbers will go up because more people are testing. But nowhere in the world (including locally) have you seem a equal rate of hospitalizations and deaths. The case numbers at this point have very little meaning in terms of health implications. The danger is all economic so far. The data is already there, you just have to interpret it

TalRussell 3 years, 2 months ago

What that local data, you're interpreting, when de gov, denies tis any science evidence of de Omicron, having as yet to reach we UK colony, ― Yes?

ThisIsOurs 3 years, 2 months ago

well the same data that led me in April 2021 to say "something different is happening", "it started before Easter holiday", "people are dropping like flies"... this is delta

Today: "something different is happening", "people are testing positive but no like increase in hospitalizations"... this is omicron.

SP 3 years, 2 months ago

There is a whole new nightmare virus combination called flurona following the emergence in Europe of Delmicron, a combination of Delta and Omicron variants in COVID-19 that has caused more severe symptoms in some patients.

China has locked down millions. We might be in for a few surprises in the next 2 weeks!

John 3 years, 2 months ago

OMICRON is sweeping the ENTIRE PLANET! And whilst its symptoms continue to present ‘mild’ and non life threatening compared to the DELTA and previous strains, it appears. (From the data) that more infections are occurring amongst the most vaccinated and re-vaccinated (booster shots) populations. In the lesser vaccinated populations, the omicron variants appear to come in, sweep across the population, peak and decline. But in VACCINATED populations, OMNICRON appears to treat the vaccines and the booster shots like a viral infection, a foreign substance in the body. It then attacks the vaccines, binds them and renders them ineffective. Omicron then establishes its own immunity in the host. So if this is, indeed, true can you see the potential problem that is being created by persons who go and get vaccinated or take booster shots AFTER experiencing the Omicron variants and recovering? Check the data for ya self.

John 3 years, 2 months ago

How much of the Omnicron hype is fear mongering and vaccines drive?

SP 3 years, 2 months ago

NCL Pearl now returning to Miami after leaving yesterday because of the number of crew with positive Covid cases.

My guess is we should expect another more deadly infectious combination of variants in a few weeks that would further negatively impact the cruise, airline, and entire travel industry.

Looks like cruise stocks are about to nosedive as the cruise industry is obviously headed back to mothballs and huge losses unless they can supply passengers with Pfizer's new pill or the new covid nasal spray to prevent passengers and crew from contracting covid.

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