Dire predictions of how bad it could be

A NEW study has projected that due to the Omicron variant in The Bahamas, daily case numbers could reach a high of 2,610 by February 13.

The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, an independent global health research centre at the University of Washington, used local data through December 13, 2021 and ran its model which produced the new data on December 21, 2021. The study presents several possible scenarios by which infections, cases, hospitalisations and deaths could reach maximum levels. These scenarios include a reference scenario; high severity of Omicron scenario; 80 percent mask coverage scenario; third dose scenario; and reduced vaccine hesitancy scenario.

 Regarding infections, IHME said daily estimated infections in the reference scenario, which represents what they believe is most likely to happen, could rise to 2,610 by February 13.

 This same figure is projected in the high severity of Omicron scenario by February 13 while the data projects that daily estimated infections in the 80 percent mask coverage scenario could rise to 1,190 by February 16.

 Daily estimated infections in the third dose scenario could rise to 2,350 by February 13 while daily estimated infections in the reduced vaccine hesitancy scenario will rise to 2,590 by February 13.

 Regarding hospitalisations, the study noted that it was likely that there could be 20 people admitted per day by March 13.

 Other scenarios considered were daily hospital census in the high severity of Omicron scenario which could rise to 30 by March 14 and daily hospital census in the third dose scenario could rise to 10 by March 13.

 Meanwhile, daily hospital census in the reduced vaccine hesitancy scenario could rise to 20 by March 13.

 The report also noted deaths could reach 820 by April 1. Since the start of the pandemic, there have been 717 deaths reported by local health officials.

 However, according to the IHME there could be a little over 100 deaths from December 13 to April 1.

 Under its reference scenario, IHME’s model projects 1,200 cumulative total deaths due to COVID-19 on April 1. This represents 150 additional deaths from December 13 to April 1.

 The report explained its projections and scenarios.

 “We produce five scenarios when projecting COVID-19. The reference scenario is our forecast of what we think is most likely to happen: vaccines are distributed at the expected pace. Brand and variant-specific vaccine efficacy is updated using the latest available information from peer-reviewed publications and other reports.

 “Future mask use is the mean of mask use over the last seven days. Mobility increases as vaccine coverage increases. Omicron variant spreads according to our flight and local spread model. Eighty percent of those who have had two doses of vaccine (or one dose for Johnson & Johnson) receive a third dose at six months after their second dose.”

 The report continued: “The high severity of Omicron scenario modifies the reference scenario assumption in two ways: The infection-hospitalisation ratio for Omicron is 2.3 times as high as compared to the reference scenario. The infection-fatality rate is 4.6 times as high as compared to the reference scenario.

 “The 80 percent mask use scenario makes all the same assumptions as the reference scenario but assumes all locations reach 80 percent mask use within seven days. If a location currently has higher than 80 percent use, mask use remains at the current level.

“The third dose scenario is the same as the reference scenario but assumes that 100 percent of those who have received two doses of vaccine will get a third dose at six months.

 “The reduced vaccine hesitancy scenario assumes that those in each location who respond on surveys that they probably will not receive a vaccine are persuaded or mandated to receive a vaccine.”

 The report is dated December 27, 2021.

 Yesterday, 315 new cases of COVID-19 were reported in The Bahamas.

 That is 279 in New Providence, 22 in Grand Bahama, two in Abaco, one each in both Eleuthera and Exuma, four in Long Island, two in San Salvador and four cases with locations pending.

 Officials said 45 of the new cases had a history of travel.

 There were also 58 people in hospital receiving treatment - 55 were moderately ill and three in the intensive care unit.


DWW 3 years, 2 months ago

get the wax or get the crown disease, your choice

bahamianson 3 years, 2 months ago

Another "New Study"? What, is this the 203 rd study out? Laughable.

tribanon 3 years, 2 months ago

This corrupt Davis-led PLP administration is proving to be devoid of meaningful leadership in the interest of all Bahamians. Accordingly, Davis and his fellow cabinet members can be expected to resort to blaming COVID-19 for their own failed social and economic policies, much as the last corrupt Minnis-led FNM administration did. To do so, they must keep fueling the scaremongering and hysteria associated with the Communist Red China Virus and its umpteen variants.

The CCP operatives in our country who are advising our ministry of health officials will of course remain only too happy to assist with the scaremongering tactics aimed at removing what's left of our civil rights and liberties while at the same time wearing us all down both physically and mentally.

ThisIsOurs 3 years, 2 months ago

"Regarding hospitalisations, the study noted that it was likely that there could be 20 people admitted per day by March 13."

I could be wrong, but could they have the model incorrectly configured? This is Omicron, not delta. The Omicron cycle in South Africa was on the downside of the curve within one month..With a peak of 20 cases per day in March, it would mean this cycle would last 6-8 months. All of our cycles to date have been under 4 months.

ohdrap4 3 years, 2 months ago

Model is like a bungyhole, everybody has one.

The way this is going , I just as well get an obeah wedding plan from Melda.

ThisIsOurs 3 years, 2 months ago

Melda who makin wedding plan?

ThisIsOurs 3 years, 2 months ago

everbody gat a heart too. Why didnt you use the old everybody gat a heart analogy? Nevermind I just remember Minnis...

carltonr61 3 years, 2 months ago


In a White House briefing last week, Walensky said the CDC is not requiring people to get tested before leaving isolation, in part because PCR tests can yield COVID-19 positive results for up to up to three months after a person contracts the illness—long after they are infectious.

“We know that PCR testing would not be helpful in this setting as people can remain PCR-positive for up to 12 weeks after infection and long after they are transmissible and infectious,” she said at the time. Meanwhile, antigen tests may not “give a good indication of transmissibility” by day five.

carltonr61 3 years, 2 months ago

Institute of health metrics? Sounds like their scientists are smarter than WHO/PAHO, Gates, Fauci, EU, CDC, FDA. We rubberstamp them? How much are they being paid to cook the future in a looking glass in order to impose medical profiteering and further emotional slavery. I am well read and never came across a that agency as international advisers. Guess we are all stupid fools.

whogothere 3 years, 2 months ago

Ignore...every doomsdays plan aimed to scare politicians has done exactly that - scared politicians while being complete devoid of truth..

TalRussell 3 years, 2 months ago

De adjusted projected that due to the Omicron variant in De UK Colony, daily case loads could reach a high of 5,610+ by February 22, and everything else like this and that being 7 days post Saint Valentine's Day 2022, and count goin' go bananas, if spreads to food source animals, likes chickens, then back thru de food chain to untold count of humans, ― Yes?

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