Watson becoming a political spokesman

EDITOR, The Tribune.

OPM Press Officer who daily is becoming a hybrid political spokesperson – isn’t his job to report with ZERO editorial the News from OPM and Government?

Watson and NIB – oh saw the spin -clever quote: Government recently put a “significant amount of funds into NIB... presume the millions of unpaid Government contributions... Please confirm and assure us all contributions are up to date?

For ten plus years independent Actuaries have said – the contributions are too low – successive governments have refused to accept and continued their constant financial denial. Coming to bite ya just like Minister Myles LaRoda has forecast and honestly stated – congrats to him.

Carbon Exchange – how has FTX somehow got the inside on this - this is Government isn’t it, isn’t there supposed to be an RFP/Tender?

Nassau Port – goolie-goo the boss of Nassau Port lived here all his life been through so many BPL blackouts and don’t know BPL is squeaking past trying to make sure Nassau has power and wants and suggests the Port should develop a facility for the mega cruise ships to tie up to and take electricity – boy what you have to do to be heard (daily) if possible talk about waste to energy perfect example....we wish as one of the bad polluting areas downtown are the cruise ships.

What’s this story no Ambulances available? Surely all vehicles should be on one system – okay if you want to go to Doctors you pay for the ride, but forsake all surely, we have enough vehicles or did the roads broke dem all up?



July 1, 2022.


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