Ministries launch case management system to reduce recidivism

NATIONAL Security Minister Wayne Munroe. (File photo)

NATIONAL Security Minister Wayne Munroe. (File photo)



IN an effort to reduce the recidivism rate the Ministry of National Security and the Ministry of Social Services and Urban development have partnered to launch a case management system.

On Friday, the Ministry of National Security hosted a soft launch of the system.

National Security Minister Wayne Munroe said at the event “no one ministry or institution” can tackle the issue in the country without the support and involvement of other agencies.

A case management system provides offenders with the necessary rehabilitative resources, probation officers, and monitorisation as they re-enter society.

The increasing usage of case management programmes in the criminal justice system has become vital in decreasing the rate of a convicted criminal from reoffending or falling into old bad habits.

Mr Munroe said: “It makes sense strategically for the Ministry of National Security to work in partnership with the Ministry of Social Services. In supporting the department of rehabilitative welfare services efforts to reduce the rate of recidivism amongst persons utilizing this probation service. Strengthening probation services is the right thing to do, if we are serious about diverting persons or keeping them away from the criminal justice system. This is especially so when speaking about juveniles in conflict with the law.”

He added: “We want to do everything in our power to prevent young persons in particular from ending up in custody of police or other law enforcement agencies. A strong probation team is a vital part of securing this objective. Strong probation services increase public safety and security and plays a pivotal role in reducing rates of offending.”

Dr Valarie Knowles, coordinator of rehabilitation & reintegration for the Citizen Security & Justice Programme, said the case management system will serve as a quantitative tool to help make better judgements on the risks and needs of persons.

As to the development of the programme, Dr Knowles said they have trained some individuals to be officers within case management. These officers are trained to make evidence-based objective decisions along with assessing the offender’s needs.

The recidivism rate at the Bahamas Department of Correctional services is said to currently be at 18 percent.


TalRussell 2 years, 8 months ago

Whatever anyone might think, read into this latest launch of the week ... And as for myself and being a hobbyist brownies baker ... Lately I'm thinking a lot about how the security minister has turned a single ministry into a one-man crown production with his toes dipped into a garden variety of this, that and everything from prisoners' recidivism to reclaiming ownership of long-sunken buried treasures ― Yes?

xtreme2x 2 years, 8 months ago

Mr Munroe, You are a Minister in the government. Can you please Look more professional and sanitary. In this shoot you look like you were out partying did not have time to shave or bath. Remember your pix will be travelling the globe.

Bonefishpete 2 years, 8 months ago

Seems like letting alleged murderers out on bail is helping in the recidivism problem.

bahamianson 2 years, 8 months ago

Nah, no need, just let everyone go. No need for jails. Jails do not work because the people keep going back. I guess, like having. Hanging doesn't work , so we stop hanging; so jails do not work, so stop the jails.

tribanon 2 years, 8 months ago

ZZZZZZZZzzzzzz.......This brain-dead fool doesn't even realize nobody listens to a word he has to say anymore.

trueBahamian 2 years, 8 months ago

Some rough comments here. If the Minister is sincere about this idea, it would be a very positive step. Society would benefit from former inmates changing their lives for the better. We don't need to have repeat offenders. It would be good to turn an inmate to a contributing member of society.

killemwitdakno 2 years, 8 months ago

How about stop mixing them up in jail?

killemwitdakno 2 years, 8 months ago

Let these males in their 20s enlist in missions.Other Caribbean places have no army, send them there as mercinaries. If you had done this as suggested before , we'd have troops to send to Uktaine. Let them dig wells and build rainwater collection. Train them in storm recovery prefab quick construction. Train them in growing. Give them loans or grants to backyard community garden and if any illegality occurs then they owe it back. Let them breed meat. Let them infiltrate crime organizations and elsewhere as undercovers. Have them dive for trash and hunt sunken treasure. Bring trade skills to alternative school. Teach that drugs has gone out. Take them out of their parent's house. Give them bounty hunter licenses. Zero in on and redirect waywardness.

Sickened 2 years, 8 months ago

Or just euthanize them if they sin again and get sent to jail. We certainly don't need them and if they can't learn from touching the hot stove the first time then maybe they just can't function in society?

killemwitdakno 2 years, 8 months ago

3 strikes you're in. No out.

killemwitdakno 2 years, 8 months ago

Implement a crime income tax on neighborhoods. Make it so that they can't afford to let crime thrive.

killemwitdakno 2 years, 8 months ago

They all need coaches they can call.

killemwitdakno 2 years, 8 months ago

Sensor and ban the gun music videos under cultural insensitivity.

killemwitdakno 2 years, 8 months ago

Require that stores have a double door foyer to trap robbers like most banks do. If they can't get out, they won't go in.

killemwitdakno 2 years, 8 months ago

Smart fingerprint steering wheels, no car no kill.

killemwitdakno 2 years, 8 months ago

Let the kids have snacks. Don't hunger. Some things chip away at your heart and make you cold.

killemwitdakno 2 years, 8 months ago

Stop thinking you're any type of fuckin special to deserve anything. Stop looking at fuckin material things in media. Stop racing for what other young guys have before you. If your family is crazy , get them mental help. Know what it is to have to camp. Know what it is to have to build from the ground up, to have to make and find every single thing you need for anything like our ancients.

killemwitdakno 2 years, 8 months ago

The Bahamas desensitizes anyone to killings.

killemwitdakno 2 years, 8 months ago

Accept help even if it's too late.

killemwitdakno 2 years, 8 months ago

Ppl need to learn to stop breaking bonds, stop being vile. Don't humiliate kids. Creating hard hearts.

They rap about what makes them cold, fix those things.

killemwitdakno 2 years, 8 months ago

Oh yeh. This case system should keep all the red flags and concerns shared to police and social workers.

killemwitdakno 2 years, 8 months ago

Earn while you learn programs.

killemwitdakno 2 years, 8 months ago

Where's juvenile detention? Have the deliquents hear from juvy. Tour.

killemwitdakno 2 years, 8 months ago

Everyone should have a listener, the same one throughout their life as a witness to their treatment and socialization. Like a confession box resource therapist. A good match.

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