Cruise ships

EDITOR, The Tribune.

There is clear evidence that we are receiving more and more cruise ships which means the total onboard is growing and growing. Heard, or read, that on any certain high visit day there could be as many as 30,000 passengers - evidence yesterday Monday, July 18th, lunch time Bay Street was full of obvious visitors - note the majority unmasked which is not according to health protocols might be a good idea the cruise ships and Nassau Ports insist on compliance.

Numbers of cruise ships - number of passengers fantastic, but how many actually leave the ships and walk on Bahamian soil and spend their dollars? Why is this a secret?

That tabloid-style Talk Show on Channel 224 - he has mentioned in context that the party who won the RFP - Global Ports – is being sold to MSC the shipping magnet - was or is this the correct context? MSSC has confirmed they have withdrawn their buy-out of Global. Please Host state the accurate news – isn’t your programme backed by a whole news room?

Goodman’s Bay - there was a branch of one casuarina tree broken off for about four-weeks now there is another this one almost crossing the exercise walkway – possibly the Supervisor of Parks can have them removed. Goodmans needs at least three times the number of garbage bins – just the 50 gallons one.

Road between Goodman’s and OPM/Wynn Hotel – BPL dug it up prior to Duke’s visit, the trench has sunk and in two areas now a serious dangerous dip in the resurfaced surface - heading east to OPM and went right off the roundabout turning to Skyline. Public Works, please have it repaired before someone is in an accident.

West Bay - has the speed limit been increased to 40-60 mph? Race track, Mr Commissioner, Race track.



July 19, 2022.


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