Darville claims COVID vaccine uptake is now increasing


HEALTH and Wellness Minister Dr Michael Darville. (File photo)


Tribune Staff Reporter


DESPITE a noted drop in vaccination rates over the last several months, Health and Wellness Minister Dr Michael Darville said preliminary data suggests vaccine uptake is now increasing in the country.

“Preliminary reports from our vaccination committees indicated that we are seeing some increased uptake,” Dr Darville said ahead of yesterday’s Cabinet meeting. “I’m pleased at what we are seeing at the Mall of Marathon. We’re putting together a new site in Grand Bahama.

“The site of the final location, I think has been agreed to and very soon we will be able to start administering vaccines at that location as well. Meanwhile, at all of our polyclinics, including Grand Bahama, we are administering vaccines. We intend to do it for the paediatric vaccine as well.”

More than 169,000 people in The Bahamas have been fully vaccinated against the disease since the start of the government’s vaccination programme last March.

Only people age 12 and older have been eligible for doses; however, children aged 5 to 11 years will now be able to have access to COVID-19 vaccines thanks to a donation of 24,000 paediatric doses from France.

The doses – which were facilitated through the COVAX facility - arrived in the country over the weekend.

The government is expected to start administering the child vaccines tomorrow.

“As far as administration, I think Dr Gina Archer, as well as the nurses responsible for the vaccination programme indicated that we intend, if I’m not mistaken to start vaccination as early as this week,” Dr Darville said.

“We’re excited to have the vaccines in country and once again, all vaccines are voluntary and because it’s a paediatric group. We have the paediatricians as well as our tertiary facilities involved in the administration of the vaccine. School is closed now, but a strategy is in place to be able to vaccinate our children with supervision of guardian or parent on the school campuses and so that has been processed and worked out as we speak, but, hopefully, we will start vaccinations as early as this week for those who are interested in receiving the vaccine.”

Dr Darville said additional details on the vaccine rollout for children on the Family Islands will be announced at a later date.

“I think by next week, we will be able to give you a schedule for what we plan to do in the Family Islands but this week, we are going to start in New Providence just to roll it out and iron out the kinks and put the schedule in place,” the health minister added.


tribanon 2 years, 8 months ago

If parents/guardians truly could decide for themselves whether their children should be jabbed with these dangerous experimental vaccines, then why is the ministry of health pushing for vaccinations to occur on school campuses?

Is the intent to force young children to be jabbed on their school campus who are not accompanied by a parent/guardian?

Is the intent for ministry of health officials on the school campus to intimidate the parent/guardian into having their young child jabbed or removed from school if the parent/guardian refuses to allow their child to get jabbed?

This evil monster Michael Darville and his equally evil cohort Gina Archer have been outrightly lying to parents/guardians about the voluntary nature of the jabs for their young children. And the proof of that is their intent to push their evil vaccination programme on school campuses.

And believe me when I say Darville, Archer and their minions are not planning to do the jabbings on school campuses for the convenience of the very few parents/guardians who may be in favour of their innocent young children being vaccinated with these dangerous experimental vaccines, with God only knows what serious side-effects down the road.

Parents/guardians of young children throughout the Bahamas had better very loudly voice their complaints about Darvile and Archer's plan to have these jabbings take place on school campuses in the coming school year before it is too late to do so.

carltonr61 2 years, 8 months ago

Once jabbed they know the R1. Each vaccinated person will spread it to 7 and then the spread grown exponencially. World Bank advised against this suicide.

tribanon 2 years, 8 months ago

Both you and @John have failed miserably at your CCP directive to try have many others posting to this website labelled as conspiracy theorists.

carltonr61 2 years, 8 months ago

We need a day of prayer for Darville. That's all us slaves have left. God will not let us down.

rodentos 2 years, 8 months ago

what vaccine, what covid, did they not get it that covid is over long time ago?

tribanon 2 years, 8 months ago

But will the vanquished flu that was around for centuries ever come back? LOL

carltonr61 2 years, 8 months ago

That vaccine cure to prevent covid was a medical lie to reopening the world once vaccinated. Then herd immunity showed that 100% Denmark, Israel, Iceland, Seychelles became 100% infected. Now the strategic leak is to prepare once again for forced vaccine mandate using a new word called trivarient which calls for repeated unending needles with the original Vax that never provides immunity only help if you are old, mixed with all Omicron strain. What new six headed monstrosity they will create for 2023 only they alone control.

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