Man accused of gunpoint raids


Tribune Court Reporter


A MAN was remanded in Magistrate’s Court yesterday for charges of robbing two woman of their $1,000 iPhones at gunpoint.

Michael Pratt, 20, stood before Senior Magistrate Carolyn Vogt-Evans on two counts of armed robbery.

On March 26 in New Providence, Pratt is accused of robbing Anfernee Walkes with a handgun of her $1,000 iPhone 13. On that same day, he is further alleged to have robbed Precious Rolle at gunpoint of her $1,000 iPhone 12 Pro.

Due to the serious nature of the offense Pratt was not required to enter a plea and was informed his case would proceed by way of Voluntary Bill of Indictment (VBI)

Magistrate Vogt-Evans then explained that should Pratt’s VBI not be served in a timely manner his case would proceed by way of preliminary inquiry.

Pratt was also told of his right to apply to the Supreme Court for bail, where his trial is set to begin.

Until such time that bail is granted, he will be remanded to the Bahamas Department of Correctional Services (BDCS).

The defendant is expected to be served his VBI on October 31.

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