Munroe: We are on cusp of transformation


NATIONAL Security Minister Wayne Munroe.


Tribune Freeport Reporter


NATIONAL Security Minister Wayne Munroe says The Bahamas stands on the cusp of transformational change and will be depending on young Bahamians to take the country to the next level.

“We are about to monetarize seagrass, we are about to monetarize carbon credits, and we are setting up exchanges for cryptocurrency in this country,” he told the graduates of the Grand Bahama Academy Class of 2022 yesterday.

Minister Munroe said the country depends on the Class of 2022 to succeed.

“We are depending on you to possess this land,” he said.

“The future is yours; our future is yours. We are depending on you because it is you who will pay our pensions. And so we really want you to succeed.”

Mr Munroe, who was born on Ragged Island, told of how he grew up without all the necessities of life. “There was no electricity, no running water, no aircraft flying back and forth, only the mailboat,” he recalled.

He encouraged them to continue to pursue their education at the tertiary level.

“When I graduated Kingsway Academy, I already knew I was going to the UK to take A-Levels before going to University and then Law School,” he said.

"I am no smarter now than I was on September 15, 2022 (election day). So, getting elected to Parliament does not make you brilliant. Graduating from senior high school does not make you all-knowing; you must continue on an orderly path. I can guarantee you that.”

Mr Munroe told students that life is short and warned there are consequences for decisions they make in life.

“I am urging you anytime you have a decision to make, think about when you have to answer in the judgment because the judgment is coming to all of us. Everyone thinks that you (have to) chase money. I am not saying that money is bad. The Bible does not say money is bad. The love of money is the root of all evil.”

Minister Munroe said every generation that possesses the land must make things better for the next generation. “We have moved it so far. So, you are our future - you are to move us to the next level,” he said.

The MP for Freetown said Bahamians are very smart and talented. He noted they are doing well in professional sports, medicine and other areas. He told graduates that they must ethically achieve their goals.

“We are routing for you. We hope we will see amongst you the highflyers in business, law enforcement and science. The one thing I learned going to the UK was that nobody is smarter than Bahamians. No one anywhere in the world is better or smarter than you. It is for you to apply yourself, and when you do, you will reap the reward,” he said.

Minister Munroe told the graduates not to allow hardship and challenges to deter them.

“When going into the job market and when things appear hard, know that the suffering has a purpose and an end, and a reward. For those going into tertiary education know that your suffering has a purpose and an end.”

“The trajectory of the country will be determined by how well the Class of 2022 does. This government is cheering for you and will do what we can to see you have the tools to succeed.

“We ask you to make this country great. We are counting on you, and having a good Christian education will see you through,” he said.


sheeprunner12 2 years, 6 months ago

This generation of graduates can't wait to finish high school and go overseas to college. They are NOT returning like Wayne Munroe and his generation, who have this country in a royal mess right now.

So, Wayne they won't take your advice.

zemilou 2 years, 6 months ago

To the editor: Please do a better job of editing. If you are quoting an individual accurately and they have made a mistake, acknowledge it by adding [sic]. For example: "...I was on September 15, 2022 [sic] (election day)" and “We are routing [sic] for you..."

To the Honourable Minister and his exhortations to young Bahamians about possessing land ("We are depending on you to possess this land."): Stop selling it off to the highest bidder, especially public access to Bahamian beaches to non-Bahamians. Otherwise, one day, there'll be little other than land out in the bush to possess.

JokeyJack 2 years, 6 months ago

"We are depending on you to possess this land,” he said.

Meanwhile, Haitians are setting fire to our land to make coal. They are also "possessing" our land while Bahamians continue to beg the government for a piece of Her Majesty's Crown Land. Those Bahamians who tried to "possess" a few pieces in Andros were dealt with by authorities very swiftly.

They were Bahamians, they did not possess Haitian passports and so they could not possess any land. They also have to buy their charcoal in the hardware store.

Is Mr Munroe not aware of this? Maybe all of the above has nothing to do with the law?

Young Bahamians know their land is being stolen right in front of their eyes. They know about the unreported things in Abaco and elsewhere. They know their parents won't help them because they were either born a PLP and will die a PLP (same for FNM) while watching their children's futures be destroyed. Meanwhile anyone who tries to stand up (LB) is also "dealt with". You can't win by election because candidates are only allowed one observer these days, and 12 hours is a long time with no bathroom break. You cannot tell anyone the story of the Bahamas, because they won't believe it.

hrysippus 2 years, 6 months ago

We have been on the cusp of this transformational change for near 50 years now. How long a cusp supposed to last anyway as the only new level seems to be one further level down and deeper in debt. sigh.

JokeyJack 2 years, 6 months ago

People keep voting same

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