Gibson tried in court of public opinion

EDITOR, The Tribune.

FREE National Movement (FNM) Leader Michael Pintard’s press release regarding the legal situation of Long Island MP Adrian Gibson was well within reason, considering the difficult circumstances his party finds itself in. The FNM will now have to give serious consideration to finding a replacement for Gibson in Long Island, in the event he voluntarily, or otherwise, resigns from Parliament. His continued presence in Parliament presents an awkward situation for both the FNM and governing Progressive Liberal Party. Gibson resigning will not be an admission of any wrongdoing. It will simply give him time to focus his attention on clearing his name. It will also afford him the luxury of not having to share the same space with his political opponents, some of whom he might be tempted to harbour bitterness towards.

Pintard and the FNM hierarchy have come under significant scrutiny by armchair legal analysts on Facebook for the aforementioned statement. Those critical of Pintard have all but tried, convicted and sentenced Gibson.

However, in our legal system, one is presumed innocent until proven guilty. The burden of proof rests with the state to prove its case. Until then, Bahamians must respect the legal process and stop playing judge, jury and executioner.

Certain Bahamians were lacking in human empathy when they gloated about the arrests of several PLP politicians in 2017 under the FNM government. I am seeing the same glee over the apparent downfall of Gibson. We must remember the old Bahamian adage that says, “today for me, tomorrow for you,” and stop finding joy in the pain and suffering of others.



Grand Bahama.

June 14, 2022.


sheeprunner12 2 years, 3 months ago

Why are you giving the PLP and it's leader a free pass in this saga?

After all, it was Brave who told Adrian that if he (Brave) became PM, that he (Brave) would F#&K him(Adrian) up.

So, don't you see that it is being played out now? Brave is using all of the organs of State to humiliate Adrian for his brash talk while he was WSC EC.

Our people just need to understand the crudeness and vindictive nature of a Bahamian despotic PM.

bahamianson 2 years, 3 months ago

As always.....nothing to read here.

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