Long Island MP released on bail

LONG Island MP Adrian Gibson.

LONG Island MP Adrian Gibson.


Tribune Court Reporter


LONG Island MP Adrian Gibson was released on bail yesterday 24 hours after he faced corruption charges for allegedly abusing his power as executive chairman of the Water and Sewerage Corporation.

Amid a throng of reporters and gathered onlookers, the sitting MP, along with his six co-defendants were released from the back of Magistrate’s Court after spending the night in custody.

The other six defendants are former WSC General Manager Elwood Donaldson, MP Gibson’s cousin Rashae Gibson, the MP’s campaign manager Joan Knowles, as well as Jerome Missick, Tonya Demeritte and Peaches Farquharson.

While Gibson has a total of 56 charges against him, the seven defendants collectively face 101 charges altogether.

These charges, which range from false declaration, bribery and money laundering, stem from Mr Gibson’s alleged failure to declare his interest in contracts awarded by the WSC to Elite Maintenance and Baha Bay.

Gibson, whose bail was set at $150,000, according to the accusations allegedly gained a financial advantage of just over $1.25m through a series of illicit cheques and wire transfers.

A source close to the matter indicated to The Tribune that the defence’s legal counsel met with Senior Justice Turner to fast track the defendants bail release after they spent the previous night at the BDCS.

Gibson gave no comment to the press during his release.

Service of the accuseds’ VBIs is expected on September 14.


TalRussell 2 years, 9 months ago

Not just any sittin' MP but Comrade SheepRunner12's storied sitin' House MP ― Yes?

birdiestrachan 2 years, 9 months ago

Where were all of his supporters when he needed his bail paid

DonAnthony 2 years, 9 months ago

An utter disgrace to the good people of Long Island. Long past time for the FNM to cut ties with him and move on.

sheeprunner12 2 years, 9 months ago

You have an axe to grind, bro.

Resignation is a double win for the PLP at this time.

Do we really want to see that trifling PLP candidate and his goons back on the LI streets..... That the PLP won't even honour the contract that was left in place to fix???

ThisIsOurs 2 years, 9 months ago

We wanted Adrian gone before the election.

DonAnthony 2 years, 9 months ago

No axe to grind, just hate corruption and dishonesty as virtually all good long islanders do. Long time to put country and integrity before party politics. Begone with Gibson and give us the decent, honest representation we deserve in Long Island.

TalRussell 2 years, 9 months ago

@Comrade DonAnthony, the honest politicians that most come to mind are Milo B. Butler Sr, Paul Adderley, Carlton Francis, George Mackey, Dr. Elwood Donaldson, Livingstone Coakley, Loftus Roker, Capt. Sherman Archer, Cyril St. John Stevenson, Sprugeon Bethel, Cecil Wallace-Whitfield, "Papa" Hubert Ingraham and Long Island MP Henry Milton Taylor ― Yes?

DonAnthony 2 years, 9 months ago

Especially Henry Milton Taylor.

bahamianson 2 years, 9 months ago

Well, innocent until proven guilty. Let us not jump the gun, here. Let the trail end ,then you can comment on innocence or guilt.

sheeprunner12 2 years, 9 months ago

Adrian Gibson is the elected MP for Long Island until 2026.

I have a sneaky feeling that this case will blow the top on the PLP ....... So, Gravy Davis should sleep with one eye open, once this SC case gets going.

M0J0 2 years, 9 months ago

LOL sometimes its better to leave early rather than later. Humble pie is always easier to digest. Take your L and go, just remember vbi as it relates to this case. If the man was innocent why vbi.

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