ALICIA WALLACE: When will we just face the facts and accept this simple truth?

YESTERDAY was International Women’s Day, with women being celebrated around the world - along with issues being highlighted that still face women in today’s society. Here in The Bahamas, those issues include the need to criminalise marital rape.

YESTERDAY was International Women’s Day, with women being celebrated around the world - along with issues being highlighted that still face women in today’s society. Here in The Bahamas, those issues include the need to criminalise marital rape.


Alicia Wallace

YESTERDAY was International Women’s Day and there were thousands of events held all over the world to raise awareness of issues women face, celebrate the progress that has been made, recognize women whose contributions have helped us to move closer to gender equality and kickstart new initiatives and programmes.

This year, we are embroiled in multiple disjointed conversations about women’s rights, gender, the law and the role of the government. These conversations are, far too often, had in ways that suggest these topics are separate, not only from each other, but also from our daily lives. Too many people seem to be unable to see beyond their own experiences and refuse to trust the people whose lives are evidence of a different reality.

International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month ought to be a time for us to honour women, listen to the voices of women and use the knowledge we gain to build a better world for women, understanding it would benefit everyone.

This week, marital rape is a hot topic. Yes, again. We may find the topic exhausting, especially in conversations with people who refuse to listen and learn, but it continues to be an issue that affects people’s lives. Marital rape is rape. Even having the term “marital rape” seems to suggest it is something other than rape, but the presence of the word “marital” does not change the meaning of the word “rape”. It is possible, it is vile, and it is inexcusable for a person to rape their spouse.

People who are married are still people. They are still human beings. They have human rights. They have the right to decide whether or not they will have sex, who they will have sex with, when they will have sex and the conditions under which that will happen. They have the right to give or withhold consent to sexual activity because they are human beings and marriage does not turn them into objects or property, nor does it subjugate them to anyone.

Without consent, there is no sex. Sexual intercourse without consent is rape. There are no exceptions.

It is important to state all of this plainly for a number of reasons. One that is particularly important, here and now, is that rape is not sex. Without consent, it is rape. It is not “non-consensual sex” or “unlawful sex” as police classify and news outlets report it. It is rape.

A major failure of the education system is the lack of comprehensive sexuality education. The remedy for this is not only to immediately include it in all schools, but to provide it to everyone. There are far too many people walking around with misinformation, engaging with other people, entering relationships and raising children. They are violating people, being violated by people, avoiding important conversations and contributing to a sex negative environment and pervasive rape culture. People need to understand consent in all aspects of their lives, including sex. People need to know how to open, put on, and remove condoms. They need to know that removing a condom without telling their partner is a violation. They need to know how to talk about contraceptives and the available options.

They need to know what consent does and does not look like. They need to know that they are not entitled to sex, and no one else is entitled to sex. In addition to knowing consent is clear and specific, given of a person’s free will and not coerced, it must be common knowledge that consent can be withdrawn at any time. They need to know that sex is not one partner’s burden or duty and the other partner’s pleasure. We need to talk about sex in positive ways and acknowledge it is supposed to be enjoyable. People of all genders give and receive pleasure during sex. We must not limit our conversations about sex to consent, but acknowledge pleasure. No one should have the impression that sex is to be endured, or that it is a responsibility to participate, regardless of what they want. People need to know they can say “no”, and they need to accept “no” from others.

Another important reason to state these facts about sex and personhood is to make it clear married people do not own each other. They are two people, in a relationship that is recognised by some entity or entities outside of them which include(s) the government and may include a religious institution. It must be stated that many religions have, facilitated and endorsed marriage, and these religions have different texts, interpretations and sets of beliefs. These are separate from the government (especially in secular States) and the law which must protect people’s human rights. At no point should a religious text be a determining factor in the writing or application of law meant for all of the people in a country with religious freedom. No matter the interpretation of religious text, the law must protect people.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a good starting point for understanding the rights of the individual. Let’s look at just five Articles.

Article 3: “Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.”

Article 4: “No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.”

Article 5: “No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.”

Article 6: “Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law.”

Article 7: “All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law[…].”

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights says all people are people. Yes, even women! Yes, even married women! This applies whether or not the two become one or wives are admonished to submit to their husbands by a particular (interpretation of) religious text. All people are entitled to freedom. No one is to be enslaved in any way. Yes, including sex, and yes, that includes married people! No one is to be treated cruelly, even as punishment.

Think of this alongside the arguments of so many who say it is the wife’s duty to have sex with her husband whenever he wants to have sex, and if she does not comply, he can “just take it”. It is rape, it is a violation of human rights, and if it is not criminalised, married women are not being recognised as people before the law and married women are certainly not equally protected by the law.

We depend on the law. It tells us what to do or not do. Stop at red traffic lights. Do not exceed 15 miles per hour in school zones. Laws not only help us to keep order, but they tell us what to value. Why is the speed limit lower in school zones? Children are walking to and from school. These children are not always accompanied by adults, and some are too young to fully understand the rules of the road and the risk involved in certain actions. Children may run into the road. They may fall in the road. They may miscalculate the speed of an oncoming car and try to cross the road. No matter how we feel about children and parents’ responsibility for them, we must slow down in school zones in order to protect them. As we drive slower, we may get to observe them more. We may see the seven-year-old holding the hand of a four-year-old as they walk home together. We may see teenagers walking with young siblings. We observe relationships and behaviours, and we may even learn more about people in situations that differ from our own. Not only does the law force us to slow down and draw our attention to the children and the value of their lives, but it has the indirect effect of sensitising us to their experiences and making us more aware of what is happening around us.

We need the law to protect us, to moderate our behaviour, and to shape culture. Our laws have always done this, and the evidence is in the conversations we are already having about discrimination, women’s rights, and, more specifically, marital rape. The Sexual Offences Act, as it is, has helped to convince people that women are not full human beings. It suggests that, when women get married, they lose their personhood and are no longer entitled to self-determination. It is blatant. The definition of rape excludes people who are being raped in marriage. It says, “Rape is the act of any person not under fourteen years of age having sexual intercourse with another person who is not his spouse[…]” Why are the last five words there? Married people are people. They are human beings. They are entitled to human rights. They must be protected recognised as people before the law, and they must have equal protection under the law. Married people do not have equal protection under the law. It was decided that they would have no recourse in cases where they are raped. This must change. The Sexual Offences Act must be amended. Rape is rape.

It has been suggested that marital rape be called “something other than rape”. No. That is not acceptable. Rape is rape. It does not change based on the relationship between the people. To call marital rape anything other than rape would validate the wrongheaded idea that married people, specifically married women, are not full human beings entitled to human rights. It would validate the idea that a person cannot rape their spouse. It would validate the idea that marriage is perpetual consent and married people are obligated, regardless of their thoughts, feelings, experiences, or needs, to have sex at each other’s demands and that it is appropriate to punish each other with rape. It would validate the idea that rape is sex, and that it is motivated by sexual desire. This is not the case. Rape is not sex. It is about power and control, and has nothing to do with love or sexual desire.

Calling it anything but rape is a lie, is lazy, is a refusal to do the work we elected Members of Parliament to do.

We do not need a new name for rape. We need to stop rape. We need to change the way we think and talk about sex. We need to change the way we think and talk about rape. We need to change the way we think and talk about marriage. A part of that change is changing the law. Rape is wrong, under any and all circumstances. Women are human beings with human rights, unmarried or married. The law must reflect that. The law must teach that. The law must make us aware of that. The most recent proposed amendment bill does not do what we need done. It must be called rape. There need not be any legal gymnastics related to this issue. Remove the words “who is not his spouse” from the definition of rape. All rape is wrong, dehumanising, and violent. All rape must be criminalised. It will contribute to a shift in our views of rape, sex, marriage and women in The Bahamas.


joeblow 2 years, 10 months ago

... feminism is a cancer of the mind that spreads very slowly, erodes logical thought and results in a mental illness that makes one pursue the mirage of "equality",only to be disappointed in the end, because people are not and can never be equal at all!

1pnewman 2 years, 10 months ago

The 'mirage' of equality?? What a cretin!! What if they told you as a black person 60 years ago "stop demonstrating for equality" its only a 'mirage'. Great piece of writing Ms Wallace. As always.

LastManStanding 2 years, 10 months ago

Let's check out what 55 years of majority rule governments have brought this country : a fiscally insolvent government a few years out from a debt default, one of the highest murder rates worldwide, rampant crime and societal dysfunction, a D-average (actually F when adjusted for the lenient grading scale) populace, and no prospects of things ever getting better as the two main political parties are infested with the same kinds of parasites.

The elephant in the room that nobody wants to acknowledge is that the Bahamas would have been far better off as a nation under a UBP government. They absolutely had their own skeletons in the closet, but they were smart enough to know there wouldn't be any eggs to eat if they killed the golden goose. Needless to say, most of the governments since thought that the gravy train would never run dry. Well, it has.

ScubaSteve 2 years, 10 months ago

@Joeblow... your comment might be the most horrific and ignorant of the year!! Your lack of intelligence, rationale thought, & social awareness truly knows no bounds.

themessenger 2 years, 10 months ago

@joeblow, spoken like a dyed in the wool misogynist!

John 2 years, 10 months ago

The Bible ‘ 22 Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands(A) as you do to the Lord.(B) 23 For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church,(C) his body, of which he is the Savior. 24 Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands(D) in everything.’. So they will tell you., ‘ why quote the Bible in this?’ Well holy matrimony is one of Gods sacred ceremonies and those who intend to interfere with the laws and covenants of marriage should tread carefully. Firstly those who are calling for marital rape laws are mostly women who don’t intend or never intended to submit unto their husbands. And under current laws it is considered ‘cruel and unusual punishment for a wife not to submit to her husband.’ So if these set of women who do not to submit to their husbands want to criminalize a mans attempt to get One of the the benefits of marriage, then what should be the criminal penalty for women or spouses who enter a marriage never intending to submit? Paul says even though God frowns on divorce, he allows it because of ‘the hardening of man’s heart.’ Man being the species and not the gender. So if a spouse has gotten to the point that she is refusing to submit to her husband and/or the husband is to the point the he wants to force his wife to submit Paul says rather to continue to live in those conditions, it is better to divorce and part ways. The marital rape law is not necessary. What will happen after a wife brings charges of rape against her husband anyway? That marriage is over. Only thing now is the husband has criminal charges and possibly conviction of rape and the wife comes smelling like a rose. So if you want a criminal marital rape law, it must also be made a crime for a spouse to ‘cruelty and unusually withhold sex in a marriage. And even a greater crime for partners who enter a marriage never intending to submit or never intending to fulfill their marital duties.

John 2 years, 10 months ago

So that he/she does not have to stay in a dysfunctional marriage and force a spouse into submission, give that spouse the same option to bring criminal charges against a spo who refuses to submit.? Also give them the option to opt out of that same dysfunctional marriage. He/she has been deceived.

John 2 years, 10 months ago

As for equal rights in The Bahamad, tge author of this mostly imported gibberish needs to indicate where in this country are women being discriminated against or being denied access. From politics to religion to education to finance and social services, women tend to dominate. If only by sheer numbers. And, in fact males are put at a disadvantage in some sectors because of it. In Education, for example, the male student has to tolerate a female dominated environment. This of course creates problems because young men, many who live In fatherless homes must function in a female dominated environment and must now fight to keep his own masculinity intact. And the Social Assistance program in this country is fully skewed in favor of the female. In fact a male going for social services, either for himself or his children, is viewed not as someone in need but an odd ball who created his own situation. This is while a lot of women are allowed to ride the system over and over.

John 2 years, 10 months ago

The good thing with Bahamian women, most of them at least, is despite their progress ithe maintain their female qualities and submissiveness. Many oppose feminism in full degree.

themessenger 2 years, 10 months ago

@john, you could give @joeblow lessons in mysogyny, men like you two think the only thing your women are worthy of is to fry fish and give comfort. I cannot begin to imagine what torment it must be for a woman living under your rule/boot.

1pnewman 2 years, 10 months ago

I agree messenger. I took note of this line:' is despite their progress ithe maintain their female qualities and submissiveness'. Its hard to believe that this puerile, backward, misogynistic crap is still being written in 2022. Here is an interesting idea John; if the male students are struggling in fatherless homes and female dominated schools , why aren't more of you males becoming full time fathers and teachers?

John 2 years, 10 months ago

Why am I even wasting my time Even responding to you. Obviously you didn’t read my post fully and:or you didn’t comprehend what you read in the least. But we (all understand) your situation.

themessenger 2 years, 10 months ago

@john, as I've written in previous posts; in life, its important to know when to stop arguing with people like you and simply let them be wrong! Now you can revert to your usual response and make some disparaging remarks about my mother.

John 2 years, 10 months ago

The remarks I made about your mother and her mother still stands. You may consider them disparaging but they are truth!

John 2 years, 10 months ago

@ messenger : you cannot imagine because either you are not a normal male or a normal female. And thus, you can support an crippled agenda that goes contrary to its purpose and intent. Obviously your prejudices ( racial and gender included) overwhelms your capacity to think STRAIGHT! And after that nothing else matters. You cannot think Straight! And so rather than address the issues at hand you, with your warped mind and limited capacity chose to attack , personally, individuals whose thinking is different from yours. Straight speaking, your brain is in a mental wheelchair. Obviously you come from a dysfunctional family. Maybe your father had sex with you! God, in his wisdom, allows for any eventualities in Hily Matrimony. No need for warped minds and persons with hidden agenda to rewrite the matrimonial laws.

themessenger 2 years, 10 months ago

@john, you're obviously thinking again with your small head, as men with your mindset often do. The smaller it is, yours must be tiny, the more of a complex you have about sex. You're definitely soft in the head my friend and probably on the whole too, Lol.

John 2 years, 10 months ago

Rather than continue to hurl insults, be mature and address the issue of marital rape and say, in plain language what I have posted that offends you. You said the Bible was written 2,000 years ago but the sanctity of marriage is still the same. If a spouse enters a marriage not intending to fulfill his/her marriage wows then they are infidels, fraudsters and deceivers. Not worthy of being a partner to holy matrimony. If one partner has to use force to get the other partner to submit, that marriage was already over tge rocks.

baclarke 2 years, 10 months ago

@John, you are trying to appeal to secular minds, and all they will do is call you a "misogynist". The crux of the matter is, we live in a dysfunctional world where nobody is perfect and the sexes seem to be at constant war (a power struggle) with and abused by each other. Even though the bible teaches about a mutual submission (yes, both men and women submitting to each other and not with holding sex for either), this doesn't give grounds for rape/abuse or forcing oneself on one's spouse. There are times when neither will want/desire sex and the other should lovingly and patiently accept that. If a man feels like he has to abuse his wife to get what he wants, there is something wrong with that man that woman should leave seek refuge and there should be a penalty if there was serious abuse. However, I do agree that with something like this, there is room for abuse in the opposite direction also. Rape allegations can destroy a man and his career. The law better be written in some way to help protect against such situations where the accusation is false and intended to harm a man. Also, divorce should be allowed if a women intentionally withholds sex from a man indefinitely within the marriage. My opinion, if the wife isn't giving it out, lol, why would a man want to stay in that relationship anyway? What's the point of abusing the woman to get sex? Easier to look elsewhere.

1pnewman 2 years, 10 months ago

Baclarke just to remind you of something; YOU live in a secular country. Get your dictionary out and look up the word' theocracy'. YOU dont live in one of those. The Bible doesn't dictate legislation in this country, the Constitution does. Do you understand? Therefore your opening comment was rather stupid wasn't it?

baclarke 2 years, 10 months ago

Stupid, naaa, i'm entitled to my opinion as are you. The bible doesn't dictate our legislation and neither do you or anyone else with their indoctrinated school of thought/opinion. We must come to something that the majority agrees with. Hopefully you aren't "stupid" to believe that your opinion is the only one that matters...

LastManStanding 2 years, 10 months ago

AND WHEREAS the People of this Family of Islands recognise that the preservation of their Freedom will be guaranteed by a national commitment to Selfdiscipline, Industry, Loyalty, Unity and an abiding respect for Christian values and the Rule of Law;

Pulled straight from the Constitution of the Bahamas.

John 2 years, 10 months ago

Well I agree with you 100% baclarke. Firstly Why enter a marriage if you do not intend to fulfill the wows? Secondly, Wayne Munroe says under current laws, if a partner withholds sex for no apparent reason or for an unreasonable period of time, this is ‘cruel and unusual punishment.’ And for the marital rape law to come into effect, adultry must no longer be grounds for divorce since if a partner is being treated unusually cruel in a marriage he/she had a right to seek redress. Most men know of and have learned to sleep in the doghouse. But this is not the issue here . The problem is with women who never intended to submit. And to some extent with men who entered into a marriage knowing they could not perform their marital duties with a female.

ScubaSteve 2 years, 10 months ago

@Johh... taking the literal word and marriage advice from a book that was written 2,000 years ago is completely asinine. Not too mention... it was a book written entirely by MEN. 2,000 years ago women were treated no differently from the family dog. She was a piece of property to the man of the house. Please, I beg of you... open your mind and live in the present. It has been proven time after time, that women can do ANYTHING a man can do -- work in any industry, serve in the military, operate the Space Shuttle in space, be a leader of a country, excel at sports, start & own a successful business, etc, etc, etc. Women are 100% equal to men and men are 100% equal to women.

John 2 years, 10 months ago

I se you are still using your second pseudonym to compliment and sanction anything you post. So if a woman can do anything a man can do let one, choose one, get me impregnated. Likewise let one find a male who can carry a child for nine months then give birth. Men and women are equal, yes, but their roles are different. And if you is one who has to strap on a piece of rubber to prove otherwise, or support some who do, then your argument is false. Made of plastic. Has always been artificial . And yes those perverted people also have rights and protection under the law. But it doesn’t include the right to tamper with the sanctity of marriage.

themessenger 2 years, 10 months ago

@john, I see you now mixing me up with @ScubaSteve and can't make up your mind whether I'se man or woman. Thinking with that small head gat you more mix up than conch salad, Lol.

ScubaSteve 2 years, 10 months ago

@John... trust me dude... I'm 100% a man. I'm married to a female that is a very successful doctor. And I've got two teenage daughters too. And duh... of course a man can't get pregnant and carry a child. That difference was assumed (by most intelligent folks).

John 2 years, 10 months ago

Paul says God allows for divorce because of the hardening of man’s hearts. (species, not gender). So if either or both partners no longer wants to fulfill the duties and responsibilities of a marriage, God offers them a way out. And this option was offered Two Thousand years ago! Why you now want to criminalize and send your spouse to jail when the fault or desire not to submit is in you?

John 2 years, 10 months ago

Can messenger Alicia Wallace et. al. Answer one simple question: if you don’t like seafood w, why go to a seafood bar and demand they change their menu? If you don’t agree with the terms and conditions of Holy Matrimony, why enter into is then demand the laws be change only to include what you agree with? If you take away all the privileges of marriage then what is the difference from married parties behaving as if they were single?

Bobsyeruncle 2 years, 10 months ago


They are marriage vows, not laws. The fact that your narrow tunnel vision refers to 'marriage' as Holy Matrimony, explains who you are. How many non-christian weddings have you been to? Marriage is not just for those that are ruled, and consumed, by the Holy Bible. Open your eyes John, and see the world for its full spectrum of cultures, religions, sects, tribes & countries and try and grasp that not all 8 Billion people on this planet are stuck in a 2000 year old time warp..

baclarke 2 years, 10 months ago

John, you waste your words. These people confuse equal opportunity with equal substance. Man does not equal woman, yet both are equal in value and should have equal opportunities and protections. Anyway, like i said, we argue with a world who can no longer define what a man or woman, male or female is.... If you jack that concept up, then you jack everything up and it all goes up in the air up to anyone's interpretation. Hopefully ladies like Alicia Wallace continue to speak up for women, but I pray she watches the "trans" crowd or else men will infiltrate and dominate the same things that women fought so hard for. If you need a good example look at "trans women" in sports....

themessenger 2 years, 10 months ago

@baclarke, I happen to agree with most, if not all, of what you say. However, folks like John can't seem to move from the position that when a man marries a woman she basically becomes property, a chattel with no rights to the sanctity of her own body or the right to refuse her husband should she so desire without fear of being either physically or mentally abused or otherwise denigrated. Having been happily married to the same wonderful person for more than forty years I would say that I speak from a position of some strength, unfortunately, many Bahamian men want to have their cake and eat it too. As someone commented earlier, women are more than capable of holding their own in just about any environment were the prerequisite isn't physical strength but many Bahamian men, particularly black Bahamian men, have a serious inferiority complex when it comes to having to compete professionally with women on an even playing field. Education is the key and, sadly, Bahamian men are being left behind with their sexual proclivities being first on their agendas.

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