Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis announced the following relaxations to COVID-19 restrictions in the House of Assembly on Wednesday morning.
He said that cruise ships no longer need to present a passenger and crew manifest that discloses vaccination status of those on board.
Mr Davis also announced that residential care homes are now able to set their own parameters for visitors; salons, barbershops and spas will now be allowed to operate at 50 percent of seating capacity and that protocols regarding recitals, regattas, in-person conferences, seminars or workshops, and drive-thru cookouts will be relaxed.
He said that these events will not require submissions for review and approval by the Ministry of Health’s Advisory Committee.
Mr Davis also said restrictions regarding large events will be eased and that further information will be released by the Ministry of Health.
He also noted that the government has reduced testing requirements for visitors, referring to the end of the day five antigen test.
For more on this story, see Thursday’s Tribune.
DDK 2 years, 9 months ago
What about the nasty, useless masks?
immigrant 2 years, 9 months ago
Thank God we can now have a drive through BBQ…what a waste of time. There isn’t a tourist on this island wearing masks anymore…make it a personal choice.
whogothere 2 years, 9 months ago
Mr Davis, thank you sir. Keep it up!!
Covid theatre needs to end...
realfreethinker 2 years, 9 months ago
It's unfortunate that Brave is continuing the covid theatre. He still did not remove the testing for travel and we still have to wear these useless masks
User1234 2 years, 9 months ago
A new study from Spain that shows, at least in schools...MASKS MADE NO DIFFERENCE!!!…
M0J0 2 years, 9 months ago
yup travel testing needs to go, if they are serious about helping the domestic economy.
sheeprunner12 2 years, 9 months ago
The Bahamian Government continues to punish those who refuse the dirty Covid 19 vaccine ....... that's what this $125.00 PCR test is all about ..... Punishing those who take a stand against the WHO & CDC stupidity
LastManStanding 2 years, 9 months ago
This has been one of the few bright spots of the Davis administration so far. We would have been locked down at least three times by now if Minnis would have won in September.
tribanon 2 years, 9 months ago
Puerto Rico did away with all of its Communist China virus restrictions today. Are we going to be one of the last nation's on earth to recognize the face maskings and testings have all along been nothing but a population control power grab by many governments, including our own, as well as a money-making windfall opportunity for a select privileged and cruel few to greatly enrich themselves?
carltonr61 2 years, 9 months ago
Even The worstissess of the worstist. USA Supreme Court Bob heads upheld vaccine mandate ignoring medical WHO, CDC Gates data that all current vaccines do not stop Omicron dominant Covid. Alpha Delta Lamna are 2020 issues. Omicron is here alone, with no Vax in development stages and common cold season is here also. Political mediengeneering payroll stuffed clowns.
rodentos 2 years, 9 months ago
Tests on, tests off, tests on, tests off... and so on... beaches closed, beaches open, closed, open.... shut up
John 2 years, 9 months ago
Covid cases had been in the single digits for over a week. Most people won’t know because Putin’s Russia/ Ukraine war:invasion has knocked Covid off the front page and out of the news. So there will be a terrorist simulated attack at the cruise port. The claim is the Russians have substantial interest in the port. So are they going to terrorize American tourists with this drill. Good to see some relaxing of the Covid-19 restrictions, but two years of mask wearing and not a single relaxation. Let’s get Brave! With removing these masks at least in some outdoor settings.
Alan1 2 years, 9 months ago
The Government should abolish the Health Visa immeciately.. It has just become a money making operation for the Government and those associated with the online payment system.
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