Twisted Ukraine narrative

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Sensible people stopped taking the western media seriously at the time of the 2003 Iraq war, when it became little more than a cheerleader for the western war machine, ridiculing dissenting voices as it destroyed an Arab country in a war based solely on lies. It did the same with Libya and it almost did the same with Syria – until Russia stopped it.

At the time, media figures as inoffensive as Phil Donoghue (once a household name in the USA) were blacklisted for questioning the official narrative – which turned out to be a pack of lies.

Meanwhile western governments sought (and obtained) the collusion, or at least the silence, of the whole western media in its persecution of Julian Assange, now held in inhumane (according to Amnesty International) detention, a hostage to the political misfortunes of the buffoon now running the United Kingdom. Mr Assange’s crime? Revealing casual and routine western war crimes in Iraq.

Today, the same pattern of collusion between western governments, corporations and media is emerging, as media outlets turn their power against Russia, pretending, firstly, that this war came out of nowhere and, secondly, that its prosecution is more outrageous and one-sided than their own.

The Western way of war, if we recall, involves crushing and often illegal sanctions on a civilian population, the destruction of civil infrastructure from the air by pilots based safely in Idaho and the use of (often jihadist) proxies to do the fighting, keeping western military casualties very low.

Access to the defeated country’s oil and other resources is then given to the corporations who funded the politicians who made up the lies that started the war. Invariably, the target country is left an utter mess – compare Libya today and 12 years ago – but a lucrative one for western oil corporations and military contractors.

Today, CNN, the BBC and the UK’s Guardian newspaper refer to dozens of Ukrainian casualties of Russian airpower or artillery as “massacres”, while the approximately 185,000 civilian deaths from the illegal Iraq war were merely “collateral damage”. Curious.

The reality, of course, is that, while war is always an ugly and tragic thing, to be avoided at all reasonable costs, Russia does it in a fairly traditional way. Rather than using made-for-television “shock and awe” tactics and manipulating the global trade system to starve populations, it sends in large armed formations and inflicts - and takes - significant combat casualties. That is war.

And make no mistake: this war was started by the west. It overthrew the democratically elected Ukrainian government in 2014, installed a puppet regime that included neo-Nazi elements, and then armed and sustained a violent counterinsurgency in the ethnically-Russian east of the country, creating a pretext for the puppet regime to seek NATO membership.

Russia simply had no choice but to finish the war that western meddling begun, just as it had to finish western-initiated wars that threatened its survival in 1812 and 1941. Its losses were immense, but it had no choice but to fight and it ultimately won.

What comes next is anyone’s guess. But any disruption to an unbalanced global system imposed by NATO, the G7, EU and their puppets is ultimately a good thing. It will clearly hasten China’s alternative to the SWIFT banking system, which has been so controlling and abusive to the world.

And many others too are watching keenly how the dollar-led global financial system and supposedly ‘independent’ western corporations like Meta and Instagram are now being weaponized against Russia for daring to stand up to the west’s global dominance.

India has already begun trading with Russia in their own respective currencies, China is working with it to replace the dollar as a medium of exchange between them and even Turkey (a member of NATO) has indicated its own discomfort with continued reliance on US dollar transactions.

For decades, the western world (cheered on by its media) has used these subtle, but comprehensive and malign levers of global control against perceived disruptors (be it Cuba, Iraq, Libya, Iran or Venezuela).

But in attempting to use them to “isolate” so vast and important a country as Russia, the tactic will this time backfire, as others recognise that their own sovereign interests do not benefit from western-controlled rules, currencies and institutions being left as the unchallenged regulators of global trade relationships.



March 13, 2022.


Proguing 2 years, 10 months ago

Nothing to add, please send letter to WAPO, NYT, FT and the Economist.

avidreader 2 years, 10 months ago

Truly a voice crying in the wilderness. Very brave stance as well. Those of us who have read history at the university level and continue to be "avid readers" will recognize the essence of what is written here. As for the rest, they swallow propaganda wholesale with little ability to discern the facts. The Ukrainian people are being sacrificed perhaps without truly understanding what led to this situation. Students of history know that one of the primary reasons for the Japanese attack upon Pearl Harbour in December of 1941 was the damage being done to their economy resulting from sanctions imposed upon the Japanese as a result of their invasion of Manchuria as far back as 1931. Sanctions imposed upon a country for whatever reason, can have consequences far beyond their intended effect. I remain impressed by the late General and former U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower's Farewell Address in which he warned against the potential power and influence of what he called the "military-industrial complex". Being a general and a former President, I believe that he knew what he was talking about.

realityisnotPC 2 years, 10 months ago

I think the only "puppet" here is the writer, whose expressed views have come straight from Putin's propaganda machine. If there's one thing you can guarantee from reading Mr. Allen's frequent missives, it is that they will give you genuine LOL moments. I love how he spews his twisted, ulterior-motive versions of history as "facts"...they are about as truthful as Putin's insistence for weeks and weeks that "Russia has no intention of invading Ukraine"!

Proguing 2 years, 10 months ago

Instead of insulting the writer please state which facts are twisted or untrue so that we can have a civilized discussion.

Dawes 2 years, 10 months ago

It is the new way of arguing. Instead of showing where you think the person is wrong you insult, apparently that will make you right

sheeprunner12 2 years, 10 months ago

Who is Andrew Allen??????? ................ Is he a son of a Russian oligarch???????

This is amazing to read ............ Lord, help this man.

GodSpeed 2 years, 10 months ago

100% TRUTH all of those clamoring for a War with Russia send them to the front. We can get rid of all the mainstream media watching 🐑🐏🐑 one time.

TT242 2 years, 10 months ago

Spout your perceived version of history and views all you want, people its 2022. You dont drop bombs on civilians, women & children and then go on TV to say its 'legitimate military targets' or 'fake news' regardless of what nation you happen to be the leader. Wake up, stop reposting propaganda, how hard is it to take a stand against people being murdered wherever they live in the world. Jeez, its not that complicated.

birdiestrachan 2 years, 10 months ago

America has done wrong. But my choice will always be America over Russia.

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