TEACHERS REJECT SALARY PROPOSALS: But union will hold off on industrial action for one week

BUT president Belinda Wilson.

BUT president Belinda Wilson.


Tribune Chief Reporter


BAHAMAS Union of Teachers president Belinda Wilson says the union will hold off on industrial action for one week, after revealing that members have twice rejected counter proposals from government as it relates to salaries for members.

In a general membership meeting on May 19, 2022, the president explained the full proposal presented by the government to members, but they unanimously rejected that salary proposal.

Another meeting held on May 24 saw 99 percent of BUT members vote to take industrial action, she said.

 Mrs Wilson made the comments in a message to members last night.

 It came the day after Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis told Parliament during his 2022/2023 budget presentation that salary increases were planned for teachers, adding that both educators and nurses were to receive retention bonuses.

However, last night, when contacted for clarity Mrs Wilson said she had no clue what the prime minister was talking about.

“I find it necessary to address the announcement made by the honourable prime minister in the House of Assembly yesterday, Wednesday, May 25, 2022 during the budget communication,” she told teachers.

 “Firstly, though let me remind you that we held a general membership meeting on Thursday, May 19, 2022 where I explained the full proposal presented by the government and where you, the members, unanimously rejected the government’s salary proposal.

 “We held another general membership meeting on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, where 99 percent of you voted to take industrial action.

 “Please note that the prime minister never stated an amount of the proposed salary increase for teachers and the concerns we’ve expressed about the retention bonus have not yet been adequately addressed.

 “As you are also aware we have rejected the government’s counter proposal twice. So, as of today, Thursday, May the 26, 2022, I do not have a revised salary proposal from the government.”

 Mrs Wilson said having communicated with the government’s lead negotiator, she was expecting a revised salary proposal that is reflective of teachers, teacher’s aides, librarians and guidance counselors as professionals.

 She continued: “Negotiations will resume next week Thursday, June 2, 2022. So, in the spirit of industrial goodwill the Bahamas Union of Teachers will hold off on industrial action for one week.

 “If the salary proposal is ​unacceptable, it will be rejected again.

 “Keep ya tennis ready, take out ya walking shoes, but I must caution you to stay focused. Do not get caught up in the hype and the rhetoric.”


Sickened 2 years, 10 months ago

Sounds like the teachers want to go on strike. 2 offers rejected!

M0J0 2 years, 10 months ago

lol how it sounds, they do not seem interested in funds.

tribanon 2 years, 10 months ago

Many of our current so called "teachers" are not even suitably qualified to be daycare sitters. If they strike government should seize upon the event as the ideal opportunity to break the back of the BUT leadership and fire the entire lot of them.

Our children and grandchildren would be much better off if a great many of these incompetent and D - unqualified teachers were replaced with properly trained and competent A + qualified teachers, even if they have to be recruited from abroad with government waiving all work permit fees and even providing them with generous housing and other allowances.

There is no greater ongoing investment government can make than that made in the education of our youngest people who will be the key determining factor of the well-being of our country for generations to come.

Bobsyeruncle 2 years, 10 months ago

Rarely agree with you, but on this I'm 100% with you

M0J0 2 years, 10 months ago

Sadly this is why foreign teachers are brought in. They are so grateful for an opportunity and most actually work. I have told a teacher personally if you got in teaching for the money you are in the wrong field. It is a selfless are of service, if money is your main objective quit and find another job.

tribanon 2 years, 10 months ago

Teaching is one of the most noble callings that there is for those who derive satisfaction from educating others, especially children, and are gifted in their ability to impart knowledge and learning skills, often at great sacrifice to their own financial well-being.

Sadly there is very little nobleness to be found anywhere within our nation's public education system today. The entire system needs to fully revamped from the top right on down, which means reformation to include much less administrative interference from a ministry of education choc-a-bloc full of incompetent and nonproductive bureaucrats, and no teachers' union.

The loads of money currently be sucked out of our public education system by the hoards of nonproductive administrative leeches who accomplish nothing, needs to be re-purposed and re-directed within a reformed system to adequately reward well trained and qualified teachers who understand, appreciate and respect the nobleness of their calling.

ohdrap4 2 years, 10 months ago

nah, a lot of unqualifed foreign teachers. Once you get a teaching certificate, it pertains to certain areas. Then they compel teachers to teach things they know nothing about, like the biology teacher or the coach made to teach math and butcher it up. The foreign ones will BS their way.

BTW Education majors have the lowest GPA in most universities. And the mediocre in any field will go on to get Doctorate in Education, the so called DEd, and you will meet some of the most stupid people who only want to be called doctor.

AnObserver 2 years, 10 months ago

They really need to consider a name change.

realfreethinker 2 years, 10 months ago

But didn't brave and his minions just pounded the desks in the HOA when he said they gave the teachers a salary increase?

pt_90 2 years, 10 months ago

The budget allocates money for the next fiscal year and is effective July 1, and the supplementary budget is just a request to parliament for additional funds. The parliament has to debate and pass it. What you heard except for customs rates are proposals.the only thing that was effective immediately were the customs changes which doesn’t require an act of parliament.

sheeprunner12 2 years, 10 months ago

Y'all are too gullible, if you believe the words of Brave dem

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