Hurricane Dorian repairs ‘in motion’


ALEX STORR, executive chairman of the Disaster Reconstruction Authority.



DISASTER Reconstruction Authority executive chairman Alex Storr said yesterday hurricane repairs in Abaco are in motion, as assessments are currently being done for homeowners who have applied for repairs.

Three years after Hurricane Dorian’s destruction, the island of Abaco is still in a stage of rebuilding. Many residents are still grappling to repair their homes since the aftermath of the storm.

In an interview with The Tribune yesterday, Mr Storr gave an update on the hurricane repairs in Abaco.

“We currently have assessment teams on the ground doing assessments of homeowners who have applied for repairs. We have secured some building material that will be shipped to the island within, if not next week, by week after next. And we are also in the process of interviewing workmen and hiring workers that will complete those works.”

Mr Storr explained their programme is aimed to totally repair homes, in some cases even rebuild them.

He continued: “We also have the five houses that were started by donations, we hope to have those to restart the construction process on those and have those finished before the end of the year. As well as the Abaco centre which is very near to restart on the building of that project. I’m excited about that because once that’s completed, that could be revolutionising the shelter programme within the country where we will have purpose-built shelters. We start in Abaco, but we hope we would be able to replicate that programme throughout the entire country.”

Additionally, when asked about the Homeowners Assistance and Relief Programme (HARP), he said in Grand Bahama interviews for employment contracts started yesterday.

Mr Storr also explained that those contracts should be signed as soon as today.

Mr Storr’s comments came after Myles Laroda, State Minister for Disaster Preparedness, said yesterday to reporters he had spoken to the acting managing director of the DRA in Grand Bahama about signing off on the first set of contracts for home repairs.

HARP was used to replace the former administration’s small home repair initiative and focuses on roof, window siding, plumbing and electrical repairs.

The programme was launched in late August. Some $2m had been allocated at the time for the new programme, which is being launched in phases.


rosiepi 2 years, 5 months ago

Two months after the proclaiming their ‘new and improved’ program’s creation, they’re still about to “restart, they’re on the cusp of hiring workers, “some” materials might arrive in one week, perhaps two? And these folks actually think they’re something special?

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