The return of Shane Gibson

EDITOR, The Tribune.

As a firm believer in the redemptive powers of The Lord Jesus Christ, through The Holy Spirit, I am elated that my longtime friend and political colleague, the Hon Shane Gibson, former illustrious Member of Parliament for Golden Gates, and cabinet member, is considering offering himself for parliamentary office again in 2026. The MICAL constituency would be the perfect fit for his return.

The Lord does not sleep or slumber. Just a few short years ago, Gibson’s political career was a golden one. Alas, the PLP, along with Gibson, lost their mandate in 2017. Almost immediately thereafter, criminal charges of corruption and malfeasance were brought against him. Despite a severe leg injury, Shane was paraded while fully shackled at the ankles and wrists, like a petty criminal “known to the police” on his way to be arraigned. He was in obvious physical anguish, but that did not seem to matter to the powers of the day.

After a long drawn out “trial” in the judicial process, Gibson, as I always expected and predicted, was acquitted and discharged by a Supreme Court jury. Truly, God worked a miracle therein. Subsequently, Shane and his team of lawyers were able to “settle” a lawsuit for damages for wrongful imprisonment and prosecution. The rest is history.

It has now been reported that he is preparing to return to front line politics and may offer MICAL if given the nomination and supported by the leadership of the PLP. Yes, currently, that party has a sitting MP but no constituency “belongs” to any single one MP for life. No doubt, the current MP is a “good” man and I wish him well.

The Davis administration, once returned to office in the 2026 general elections, the Lord willing, will need all capable and proven hands on deck and in the cabinet. Shane has served this wonderful nation with distinction over many years as a trade unionist and later as a Member of Parliament and a distinguished cabinet minister. He is a quantifiable quality. I would urge the Candidates Committee of the great and iconic PLP, along with the ultimate leadership of that party to favorably consider Shane’s application for the MICAL constituency at the appropriate time.

I here and now, publicly declare and proclaim my total support, if The Lord continues to tarry. What this son of the soil was forced to undergo proves his resiliency and fortitude. His survival was nothing short of a divine intervention. Whom God blesses No Man is able to curse and no weapon formed can ever prosper. His political resurrection is at hand. The Dream of the King lives on.



October 11, 2012.


themessenger 2 years, 5 months ago

Well, no surprises here, thieves of a feather will flock together! SMT!!

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