EDITOR, The Tribune.
The people’s environment in Nassau, Bahamas is in total need of deliverance, I would like to know why our inner cities are being neglected and overlooked by the minister of environment who appears to be sleeping.
I invite the minister to take a ride through the inner city of Nassau, it’s a junk yard and no one seems to care. We have one of the biggest junk yards in the world, for being so small.
The overgrown properties just drive me crazy, a friend told me a few months ago that he took pictures of the property next door to him and took the pictures to environmental health. He was told that there is nothing could be done because the people are keeping their own property filthy.
I firmly believe that something could be done, the government should amend the laws to cause the island to be kept clean, by amending the law so that if a property owner doesn’t keep his property clean they could be fined and made to pay a fine, but it seems like no one cares, take a trip down Bay Street. It’s ridiculous to see all the derelict buildings and no one is doing anything and the tourists get off the ship - it is really wrong for us to display Bay Street to anyone. Wake up environmental, the city and the inner cities need development - fine all property owners for not keeping their properties clean. The garbage collectors collect the garbage and leave more on the ground than what they carry.
Mr Prime Minister, please see to it that a law is introduced that would cause us to keep our island clean the way it ought to be kept. Please do something to clean our environment.
October 12, 2022.
Flyingfish 2 years, 5 months ago
This article is spot on. The government wants to push that its Better in the Bahamas, yet its like a garbage dump, no enforcement of environmental standards, and the people who own Bay street property is allowed to leave it derelict. Historic buildings burn and decay. Its a shame and those owners need to redevelop, renovate, or sell their properties too someone who will otherwise they deserve to get it taken/forced sale.
Why do you think you should own property and can even keep it in good order.
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