Govt has its annus horribilis

EDITOR, The Tribune.

This week was the equivalent of that famous quote of Her Majesty - ‘annus horribilis’.

So, who will OPM blame this time? Europeans nasty folks picking on small “black states” whilst we try desperately to copy their lifestyle - ironic.

My previous letter on denial surprisingly did not get comments. I presume, therefore, I am onto something - yes, I firmly believe that one of our most serious issues is we refuse to accept shortcomings and refuse to accept even the most obvious logical conclusion.

EU had to come, stupid as we got off their list only to end up back on.

BPL was not caused by war in Ukraine. Oil started going up with projections of $160 plus a barrel two years ago after Biden was inaugurated. BPL knew it was coming, you kicked the can down the road hoping you could get away with making a critical political decision so soon after election.

BPL - did BPL owe Shell $150m for fuel? If BPL are paying them $10m every month for ten months presume the total arrears was much higher. Now what are BPL’s receivables like? Why nothing mentioned? That’s obvious, you step on political toes and something this government won’t do, but again it is denying reality. BPL has to be paid like we pay a cable bill or cut off. BPL, you brought this on yourselves all probably $450-500m worth of debt, might be wrong.

What‘s the status at W&S? Another debt to water suppliers? Few hundred million?

Bahamasair - the same how much?

How much does government owe at this immediate time? Auditor General, your responsibility to disclose, sir.

We better quickly switch back to the real world not of make believe and denial of the real world in which the majority of Bahamians struggle to live.

Don’t make your ‘New Day’ a ‘Horrible Day’ like Her Majesty commented on the occurrences in that year.



October 7, 2022.


Flyingfish 2 years, 5 months ago

The AG is a joke, they'll do every thing in their power to keep secrets.

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