EDITOR, The Tribune.
PRICE Control – making changes before you consult with your supermarkets and food stores?
Sorry, Prime Minster, this is not correct for good governance.
Today globally pre-Budget announcement it is the norm the government will divulge in total their Budget proposals - meet with all sectors of the economy and change proposals.
UK over the past few days you saw precisely how not to present a Budget mini-mini or large, you simply never make such proposals without consultation.
Mr Prime Minister, very serious wrong move and to top that his PR mouthpiece spun the announcement the issue as if the supermarket and food stores operators were tiefs taking advantage of the public.
For many years, it has been argued that Price Controls do not benefit the consumer, surely it is time to talk about that on the principal issue. Do we remove them for a better system or do we alter them to remove the disadvantages of the present law?
Remember when ZNS used to feature Price Control inspecting a store and airing very biased reports suggesting the businesses guilty before even a word was spoken in the courts – not very business positive relations nor is what happened last week - political changes Price Control listing catch the headline but Government had not spoken to the supermarket - food store owners – shame on you, not expected.
October 15, 2022.
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