Watson: I was wrong and I’m sorry

PRESS secretary Clint Watson. Photo: Donavan McIntosh/Tribune Staff

PRESS secretary Clint Watson. Photo: Donavan McIntosh/Tribune Staff

AFTER receiving immense backlash, press secretary Clint Watson was forced to backtrack on comments he made relating to women’s rights groups being “quiet” when it comes to advocacy to criminalise marital rape.

In a statement yesterday, Mr Watson said his comments were “inaccurate.”.

“I sincerely apologise. I should have been more aware of their active involvement in the consultation process,” the statement said further.

“The Attorney General has briefed me on the ongoing stakeholder meetings regarding draft legislation.

“The consultations are being led by the Department of Gender Affairs in the Ministry of Social Services, supported by the Office of the Attorney General.

“This issue is deeply felt around The Bahamas. We all want to see Bahamians participate in the ongoing national dialogue regarding protection of women in our country.”

Mr Watson’s comments were made last Friday during an Office of the Prime Minister press briefing.

“A lot of the groups are quiet,” he said at the time.“A lot of the activist groups and the groups that protect women, where are your voices?

“This is now where your time is to come forward to express your concern and your view and to advocate to present proposals of legislation to do it.”

Mr Watson also credited members of the media for bringing attention to the issue, saying “we have heard this issue from media representatives, reporters but not organisations.”

Mr Watson’s views on the matter appeared to be in stark contrast to that of Prime Minister Phillip “Brave” Davis who told reporters Monday that he has heard the cries of all advocacy groups.

Meanwhile, Equality Bahamas founder Alicia Wallace told The Tribune yesterday: “We have been vocal, we have been bold, and we have been consistent.

“We are indefatigable. The #Strike5ive campaign by Equality Bahamas was launched in 2020, continuing years of advocacy for the criminalisation of marital rape.”

“It was relaunched, complete with new graphics and clear demands, including the amendment of Section 3 of the Sexual Offences Act to remove ‘who is not his spouse’ from the definition of rape, the repeal of Section 15, and the inclusion of a statutory definition of consent.

“All three of these appear in the amendment bill, and this is not a coincidence. It is a result of our fierce advocacy and clarity of message.”

In a statement sent to The Tribune, Ms Wallace condemned Mr Watson’s remarks and called on him to do his research before making such bold “inaccurate” statements.

“Watson’s comments are indicative of the government’s failure to not only meaningfully engage NGOs, but to pay attention to NGO statements and activities which are regularly communicated in the media,” Ms Wallace added.

“Perhaps the government needs to reduce its massive travel budget since key officials are incapable of keeping track of national news and public discourse while abroad. That money needs to be allocated to the establishment of a National Human Rights Institute which would be responsible for human rights education, engaging stakeholders, raising awareness of State obligations, and monitoring progress.”


bahamianson 2 years, 3 months ago

You are too pompous and areogant to be sorry. You are just ashamed , not sorry. Sometimes you have to fall on your face and realize life is short. No one should care about power and prestige because today for me , tomorrow for you. Be humble and help every day.

carltonr61 2 years, 3 months ago

Paid advocacy groups along with their NGOs get their marching orders from UN and not from Small Island States, local or Regional CARICOM data. Our Police Force has no data on marital rape. Our local attorneys admit that 100 females drop their charges. No married women take to the streets demanding elected governments PLP/FNM charge themselves or their husbands for wanting an ejaculation. UB data was universally flawed and should not even have been taken a phone call to mention because of its accademic and scientific disgrace. To brainwash husbands that a wife should not fondle them is satanic. Who gave the sex police NGOs here in The Bahamas the rights to assume wives could rape their husbands. Wives have a right to demand sex from their husbands as finding it elsewhere leads to adultery. Only sick minded persons find it offensive fir wives to take sex as the natural urge developed even if their husbands are asleep. Dear Mr. Watson. Bahamian wives do not know which part of hell these Saudi sex police come from. According to Bahamian statistics no wife has ever forced their husbands to have sex as this is unbecoming of Bahamian females. Also 85% of males have mothers who are unmarried with no father in the house. Alk those women are just raping men and getting pregnant. Everywhere you go females touching your private and pocket and showing you theirs with their paint on pants trying to rape men. These sex police are something else.

M0J0 2 years, 3 months ago

Sad part is marital rape is only a tool for married woman with a spiteful heart to have her husband arrested. Husbands must walk on eggshells if law is put in place. He didn't buy me that Gucci purse, officer he rapes me.

carltonr61 2 years, 3 months ago

Sorry for what me Watson. Who appointed two women to be prophet judge and queens over women's rights and especially the sanctity of married women. Who voted for them in the married Women Union? Why did they not speak against pepper hog cartoon that has mammy with huge arm muscles afro and pants and daddy with afro huge muscle and pants. So many wives brag of waking with something enthralling within them so trusting and safe. They are the ones beaming with radiance at morning at work. These hyper paid for agenda framing who curse the pulpit of God within the Sacrament of marriage when a sin is a sin is a sin is an equal sin, that 85% of homes are have no fathers which is a detriment to society. While they boil hell over against wives who are aggressive in bed demanding their husbands need to take more and more blue pill, wives want to know what size panty their husbands wear, that is, those who could show a Christian wedding male and female. Female female rape is called assault. Wide rates her husband it is jail for criminal rape. Something is wrong here. The rights of humans need to be equal. These wives does brag about their rights when their husbands come home late that they does force check the tea bag to make sure a full spoonful there. Or else. When a single woman invites a Religious home for prayers he better take his wife. Too many lonely females out there and they too aggressive. Too many passive husbands causing their wives to commit adultery.

themessenger 2 years, 3 months ago

As much as you disparage women, your mother or some other female relative must have seriously abused you as a child, either that or they dropped you on your head to many times. Or perhaps you raped your wife and she left..............................

TalRussell 2 years, 3 months ago

A pretty depressing thought and nah, dressed in pinstripes as press secretary or fishes pattern print sleep shirt's choir director, I wasn't surprised at his latest misspoke considering "Clintee" has proven to be a serial forgetter at not remembering he's not speaking as press secretary on his own behalf __ Yes?

carltonr61 2 years, 3 months ago

@ messenger. You sat the same thing about everyone in the Bible.

carltonr61 2 years, 3 months ago

The Royal Bahamas Police Force needs to produce their files of husbands that rape their wives. These three paid agents paid for with foreign agendas that raise hell without data, merely a dictation from the UN was was originally meant for nations where females marry at 12, rape law is attempting to be enforced.

carltonr61 2 years, 3 months ago

Messenger. You need to listen to the married wives on the talk shows. They discuss threesums along with their partners. Clint was not offensive to the Real Bahamian Married Women Union. They don't know where the government is going listening to this three women dictatorship.

themessenger 2 years, 3 months ago

@carltonr61, yep, definitely abused as a child and dropped on your head waaay too many times.

I also listen to married women, especially the one I've been happily married to for more than forty years.

Don't have time for those talk shows, those are for people who can't think for themselves and need serious propping up or are looking for entertainment. Besides, anyone who takes people like Bodie, and McCartney seriously must be truly braindead. But I'm sure you can add 1+1 and get 3.

Topdude 2 years, 3 months ago

This discussion is very convoluted. How are we defining “wife?” Are we including gay couples in the debate? Which of the two men or women will be considered the wife? Or can each one complain on the other about marital rape? Can Minister Fred Mitchell complain about marital rape? Once these issues are clarified we can proceed to have a realistic discussion.

There is no need for the Press Secretary to apologize. Period.

birdiestrachan 2 years, 3 months ago

It takes a lot to say I am sorry it shows humulity, this marital rape sounds good but it is not as simple as it sounds a divorce man may find himself in jail after a bitter divorce

Why has it suddenly become an emergency the devil is In the details

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