Is Davis our version of Liz Truss?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

One of the benefits of becoming Prime Minister after being a member of a law firm that has produced two Prime Ministers is that you have had an opportunity to gain insights that many aspiring politicians never get to experience. However, I am not too sure that Prime Minister Davis has used those two models as effectively as he should have; viewing the recent decisions surrounding VAT and the “adjustments” in Customs duties. I would go as far as to say that I don’t think he followed the advice of persons in his Cabinet who are aware of “economic outcomes” if certain decisions are made.

He reminds me of Prime Minister Liz Truss, hopefully he has the sense to back off. However, with the prior decisions made in the salary adjustments for a number of Government connected agencies, the die may have been cast. The other members of the party base that he seems to be catering to, want theirs also, hence the minimum wage upgrade. This should have happened first.

I thought that the 10 per cent “reduction” on VAT was one of those hard decisions that an Ingraham led administration would have done and I was very impressed with that decision, and thought that he would have the foresight to let that decision gain momentum and at least wait a year or so to allow for us to get use to the adjustment, but no! He does a move that you would expect from a Christie-led administration. He wants to be nice. Perhaps this is a move to recover needed revenue from those who got those raises now that they can afford to be taxed, but to throw many of the retailers under the bus and not even do a Christie-like consultation for those most affected will not go well. It is like every food business that looked like it was getting to a place of stability was targeted. As strange as it may sound, I don’t think the inherent business culture in the FNM that has been a blessing to this nation would not allow this misstep; I can’t believe I am saying something positive of the last Minnis-led administration. They have their issues, but when it comes to running the nation like a business, the PLP has some lessons it can learn from them.

Can he do a U-turn? I don’t know. Can he do another national address where he tells us that we are all in this together and explain his reasons for doing what he did? One thing is certain, his party has spent too much money on travel, events, and fluff, and not on those things that should be addressed. We need an adjustment to the minimum wage, but we also need those persons whose heads are above water to tread a while longer so that those who need help, get that help. Leaders who want to be popular shoot themselves in the foot at times, instead of putting their foot down. The only thing that the Prime Minister will get out of this will be the opportunity of giving a good Christmas speech, but no matter how good that speech is he will still have to face the end of January 2023.

Are we going to see South Florida overrun again this November? Will there be long lines in the banks beginning the end of this month? I did see one of the locals begin to take a COVID-19 stance regarding the number of persons it was allowing into the loan department at the beginning of this week. Or will this be the year that we make a decision to ease off and stay home and do our spending in a place that is in dire need of it? Our Prime Minister must begin to live up to his nickname – Is his middle name really Edward?



October 18, 2022.


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