Woman charged over stabbing


Tribune Court Reporter


A WOMAN faced a Magistrate’s Court yesterday after allegedly stabbing a co-worker at a construction company multiple times during a workroom brawl last week.

Raquel Bannister, 45, stood before Magistrate Samuel McKinney on charges of attempted murder and use of deadly means of harm against Melissa Burrows.

It is alleged that during a physical argument between the two around 3pm on October 21 at Enka Construction on West Bay Street, Bannister pepper sprayed Burrows in her face. It is further said that the accused then pulled out a knife and stabbed the complainant multiple times about the body.

Due to the severity of the offence, Bannister was not required to enter a plea in court. She was informed that her matter would proceed to the Supreme Court by way of a voluntary bill of indictment (VBI).

The accused was also told that as the magistrate lacked the jurisdiction to grant her bail, she had the right to apply for it in the higher court. Until bail is granted, Bannister will be remanded to the Bahamas Department of Correctional Services.

Bannister’s VBI is due for service on December 9.

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