Seven more die from COVID



MINISTRY of Health and Wellness officials have reported seven more COVID-19 related deaths, pushing the nation’s death toll to 830.

The deaths were detailed in the Ministry of Health’s September 8 COVID report and took place between July 30-August 27. The victims are between the ages of 64 to 82 and are residents of Exuma, Andros and New Providence. Three were men and four victims were women.

In a statement issued yesterday, the Ministry of Health clarified that the latest deaths were documented as a result of autopsy reports received on September 7. The ministry said these people died under circumstances that required autopsies—meaning they were not under a doctor’s care at the time of their death. The ministry also said these individuals were not known to the health system as having a COVID-19 illness that required hospital care.

The ministry also noted a decline in new positive COVID-19 cases.

“This decline matches the decrease or low rate of patients being hospitalised because of COVID-19. Overwhelmingly, less than 90 percent of patients admitted to hospital with COVID- 19 are there because of a COVID-19 defining illness. This means that they are admitted for some other health challenge,” the ministry noted.

Between last Wednesday through Friday, the number of active COVID-19 cases gradually decreased by eight, going from a reported 137 on Wednesday, to 135 on Thursday and later, 129 on Friday.

During that time, only 13 new cases were reported.

Females are also reported to have more confirmed cases in comparison to males during this time frame.

Last week, Health and Wellness Minister Dr Michael Darville acknowledged the decrease in active cases but said there are no plans for further relaxation of COVID-19 restrictions. He wants members of the public to be reminded we are still in a pandemic.

“There has been significant relaxation of COVID-19 restrictions,” Dr Darville said last week. “The ones that remain reflect the bare minimum that are required to remind persons that we are still in a pandemic and that we are still vulnerable to increased numbers of cases because of our number one industry with source markets with decreased restrictions and testing rates.”

He also said: “COVID-19 remains a global pandemic. While we are happy that this version of the virus seems to cause a milder disease, we can never forget the challenges we have faced with the Delta variant. We do not know when the next variant will arise, nor if it will be mild like Omicron or deadly like Delta.”

The mask mandate for most indoor spaces remains in place.


carltonr61 2 years, 6 months ago

More Reports of COVID Vaccine-Linked Heart Inflammation in Young Males Submitted to CDC https://www.theepochtimes.com/cdc-relea…

realfreethinker 2 years, 6 months ago

I suspect they died "with" covid rather than "from" covid. Just another scam to continue with vaccines and masks mandates

ThisIsOurs 2 years, 6 months ago

"With rather than from" is a very thin line. COVID damages the blood supply to organs. Because of that it could literally kill you in multiple undetectable ways.

whogothere 2 years, 6 months ago

Is the line even relevant when 99.9% survive covid...it would seem pretty obvious at this point the death burden is very similar for the flu given excess death rates are similar/higher now than in previous years. The same people are mostly dying of the same things - bad health and old age...the only place excess death that deviates currently is in the 20-45ish age bracket...and weirdly that only started happening early to mid 21...I wonder what happened...?

ThisIsOurs 2 years, 6 months ago

99% survive COVID. True! Has always been my contention that much more focus should have been on who was getting sick and why, the vaccines for all was wasted time and effort and a failed strategy. obesity clearly seemed to play a huge role but not one single doctor said the word for an entire year or more in connection with COVID, it was so weird. And even among the obese, not everyone died, why? We lost so many opportunities to learn something to protect us for the next one.

carltonr61 2 years, 6 months ago

Sounds like you are globally aware of the red elephant in the vaccine room.

mandela 2 years, 6 months ago

Were any of the seven deaths vaccinated or not?

joeblow 2 years, 6 months ago

... the fact that that issue was obviously ignored is suspicious!

carltonr61 2 years, 6 months ago

Sorry they really don't care. Just believe it. Same as 911.

ThisIsOurs 2 years, 6 months ago

2000 people died when those buildings collapsed. 800 Bahamians have died indirectly or directly from COVID which is unwieldy. It affects blood supply to organs so it is EXTREMELY difficult to say that someone with COVID did not die because of it. They may have died from kidney failure but did COVID damage the kidneys?

Yes, the information on this virus, the vaccinations, the negative side effects, the treatments and the causes has been abysmal, that does not mean the virus or the deaths were made up.

whogothere 2 years, 6 months ago

Death can't be faked, the context can be selectively managed...

800 people over 2 years is nothing..in the context of those dying of cardiovascular diseases..or in the context questionable policies that removed basic human rights, demonstrably interfered with children's development and education and ultimately worsened the state of those with chronic disease...and lets not forget the obliteration of the economy...this context is completely ignored/deleted in every facet of the media and government policy...

Then the medical/pharma/gov oligarchy coerced millions to take a substance that was tested only 30,000ish people for a couple months and then when it failed spectacularly without testing again advised people to take it three and four times over...They revised definitions of vaccines, went back on promises on what it would deliver, quietly backed out the rooms saying we never said this or that, but the 'data'... and 'science' changes etc etc...Then as excess deaths rise, far surpassing that for which we shut down world for in 2020 and birth rates flicker again the silence is obvious and deafening..

Context or the management of it matters..

tribanon 2 years, 6 months ago

ZZZZZZzzzzzz........just more playfulness with statistics that cannot be validated.

That arse Darville and his ministry of health minions are probably jabbing young innocent children in school with God only knows what against the wishes of their parent(s) and or guardian. Why isn't anyone at The Trib investigating and reporting on what these evil monsters are doing to our young children???!!!!

LastManStanding 2 years, 6 months ago

Wow. They are still trying to push this hoax? Still waiting on that "winter of death" that is supposed to reach any day now.

ThisIsOurs 2 years, 6 months ago

the spring and summer of death happened in 2020. Theyve already declared it endemic, so it is "like the flu" now, every year a few people will catch a new strain and some will die but likely not in the numbers experienced when it first showed up

LastManStanding 2 years, 6 months ago

Some people definitely did die from COVID, but I absolutely do not trust the governments numbers considering that 1.) there was never any distinction between death FROM or WITH COVID and 2.) that there is a financial incentive to label deaths as related to COVID. My comment was more snark towards the notion that all of us who refused the clotshot would be dead by now and that the famous "winter of death" was coming to kill us almost a year ago.

As an aside, the whole COVID debacle will go down in history as one of the worst international embarrassments known to man. I vividly remember all the people who wanted to throw those of us who refused the clotshot in prison, or have us go bankrupt. I actually had someone wish that I catch COVID and die because I refused it. Sadly, those people will never reflect on how wrong they were and and are now trying to memory hole everything that happened last year. I will not forget.

carltonr61 2 years, 6 months ago

Today the computer guy trillionair that controls his vision of humans is crying out that G7 has jumped off his global covid wagon for the sake of war in Ukraine. 😢 poor soul that this new war has become the new global pandemic that steals his profits. The World Bank has already warned The Bahamas that only by opening up further with people feeling free to move about and spend money will save our economy. Thus government by using Gates latest PAHO voodoo vaccination to kill our nation like Minnisitis did is advised to read gates latest, that the money is not there to pay global leadership stooges as promised.

DDK 2 years, 6 months ago

For Goodness' sake eliminate the stupid mask mandate!! It is as useless as it is nasty and germy!

carltonr61 2 years, 6 months ago

Gets nastier. According to national radio advertisements from Canada, PAHO, USA but not the rest of the world, covid is mysteriously ranked as a killer virus along with rubella and measles meaning, it has been institutionalized for big pharma to make money till eternity by forced vaccination in our babies. The covid vaccine is only legal through USA Emergency Use Authorization and has not passed any safety tests for humans.

carltonr61 2 years, 6 months ago

https://www.theepochtimes.com/unethical… Seems as though the universal mandate for global covid vaccine use until eternity was signed and cemented by WHO/PAHO long before covid virus appeared or the creation of genetic vaccines if the mRNA class. Current data is showing that the computer man god money spent on global control also includes human gene control blackmail to take genetic vaccine or loose ability for early childhood to college education. They have already enforced no computerman genetic vaccine no job or work. One man rules the future of humanity with his money making himself god over us as he has genetic corn and wheat which he has copywriter patented. So our grand children must become vaccine patented to live.

carltonr61 2 years, 6 months ago


WHO in reach of declaring covid pandemic over. And vaccines only for high risk groups over 60. Not infants and children.

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