Food Network warns of a hunger crisis



THE Bahamas Feeding Network has expressed concern about the recent rise in hunger, calling it a “crisis” to which all Bahamians must pay attention.

“It’s sad and shocking to see the extent of this issue in The Bahamas,” Mario Carey, director of BFN, said. “This is a crisis that isn’t being adequately addressed. How is it that in The Bahamas so many people go hungry every day and it’s such a struggle to feed them?”

Bishop Walter Hanchell, founder and president of Great Commission Ministries, said that he is concerned about the recent need in Bahamian communities, as this has often been greater than the resources that his organisation has on hand.

 BFN has supported Great Commission Ministries for nearly 10 years along with supporting nearly 100 other feeding centres.

 “Every day you see it. And we are seeing more middle-class people who are now struggling,” he said.

 Bishop Hanchell said he hopes to see more support from private citizens, local businesses as well as the government to support feeding programmes.

 “We help as many as we can, but, of course, we have limited resources. We are going to be asking a lot of corporate Bahamas, and the government and private citizens to make that happen,” he said.

 Bishop Hanchell added, “In November we celebrate 35 years of nonstop ministry and we thank God for the Bahamas Feeding Network and all that they have done to support us over the years. They have been a tremendous blessing. It’s not been an easy road but the Lord has been with us.”

 He said Great Commission Ministries also plans to address the issue of homelessness through the construction of a 100-bed shelter next year.

 BFN Executive Director Archdeacon James Palacious said the network spends over $120,000 on its monthly efforts and a generous patron, who has been covering the rent of the BFN facility also helps to ensure that just a small percentage of donations goes towards administration costs.

 Archdeacon Palacious said while he is grateful for any support, more is still needed.

 “It’s concerning to see the extent of the need in our country. This is beatable. We can beat this if people buy into it and everyone makes a contribution,” he said.

 He said the demand BFN is facing has remained consistently high, particularly as Bahamians continue to struggle with the increased cost of living and high unemployment rates.

 “And at the Bahamas Feeding Network, we do all we can to provide assistance, but the demand is great and ceaseless. We deeply appreciate and ask for the continued support of the business community and the public at large to be able to carry on our work in these difficult times,” said Archdeacon Palacious.

 These remarks come just days ahead of the BFN’s inaugural golf tournament, ‘Tee Off for Hunger’ which BFN hopes will raise funds to provide more than 50,000 meals in the fight against hunger.

 In recent months, BFN has been providing more than 70,000 meals per month to the most vulnerable in The Bahamas. And Archdeacon Palacious said the hunger problem in the country continues to be a dire one.

 Great Commission Ministries provides hot meals to roughly 500 people each day, in addition to distributing meals to the sick and shut-in, as well as the provision of grocery packages to struggling families.

 On Friday, Social Services and Urban Development Minister Obie Wilchcombe announced that the government’s social assistance programme, now with a budgeted $21 million, will be joined by the RISE programme next month.

 “There are many in our country, particularly in areas that were affected by Hurricane Dorian and the pandemic who are still hurting today,” Mr Wilchcombe said.

 “There’s so many of our people who need food. So many of our people need shelter. The bottom line is we are seeking to wipe the tears from every eye and it doesn’t matter who or where they are. We’re searching them out. And we will.”


JokeyJack 2 years, 5 months ago

"Mario Carey, director of BFN, said. “This is a crisis that isn’t being adequately addressed. How is it that in The Bahamas so many people go hungry every day and it’s such a struggle to feed them?”

This problem, like most, can be traced back to things that happen on Election day. We only get one every 5 years, but we waste the opportunity every time. It is sad that people suffer hunger and lack of proper medical care as a result, but our focus is mainly on Junkanoo.

carltonr61 2 years, 5 months ago

The desyructive tidalwave is just moving inland produced by the Christie administration after the illegal legalization of gambling following the no vote by the entirety of The Bahamas and Pindling's historical opinion. The massive inundation of gaming housing that saturates every physical, cultural, psychological, entertainment, internet space education, housing social and spiritual space had lead to the total collapse of all the above safety nets. The Bahamas has been set back 60 years by Christie and Minnisitis. All PLPs voted the later in with the expectation that he would not have allowed the poverty we are seeing now to materialize. It is unconscionable that the blind man cannot see 5 billion dollars that existed the living standards and downgraded the middle classes to borrowing and pushed the poor into undignified beggars at a colossal scale. The Australian Gaming Commission 1991 is a classic case warning that should have been consulted with. The Canadian Gaming Commissions built in safety protocols on gaming informational education and Gaming Houses budget to assist Gambling Addicts. Our lousy gaming board allows the gaming houses to dictate priblem gambling warnings and venues for the addicted who seek help which contravenes all global Gaming conventions. We have seen disasters in International Banking Systems leaving in mass our jurisdiction and as Australia Commission warned that gaming houses should never be allowed to dictate Sovereign State Democracies destroying its Independence. As we have seen earlier in the year, the gaming houses will spit out crumbs to the persons they have impoverished but will never allow problem gaming education to exist within our social, Educational, UofB, political or Health.

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