Minnis: Tightening gun regulation ‘misguided’

FORMER Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis. (File photo)

FORMER Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis. (File photo)


Tribune Staff Reporter


FORMER Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis said the Davis administration’s plan to tighten firearm regulations for licensed gun holders is “misguided,” adding the focus should be on criminals, not law-abiding people.

National Security Minister Wayne Monroe said last month the government would toughen requirements for obtaining and keeping licensed firearms. He said owners should periodically show they can safely use the weapons.

Leaders of the National Firearms Association Bahamas said they support stricter regulations because this would encourage responsible gun ownership. Critics said the government would be creating a problem rather than solving them. 

“(Licensed firearm owners) are not a part of the crime problem, and the government needs to focus on illegal firearms and gun smuggling,” Dr Minnis said yesterday.

 “It’s misguided to put all the focus on legal gun owners who we know are law-abiding when the criminals are all over the place causing chaos. There could be a training and safety course for people who are getting shotguns and rifles for the first time. For the first time, I stress that, and it should be free.

 “Those with existing licenses should not have to meet these new requirements. They should be left as is.” 

 Last month, Mr Munroe said people should be made to prove they can safely handle firearms.  

 He said: “We have between 20k or 30k licences for shotguns and rifles. I have a shotgun, I have a rifle. I obtained those about ten-odd years ago. I wasn’t able to prove to the licensing authority that I can safely use either of them. Periodically, annually or every two years, I’m not required to prove that I can still safely use them. We intend to change that. 

 “A handgun, a shotgun, and a rifle is a lethal weapon and so we’re gonna be concerned that the persons who we give permission to own them, to possess them, have sufficient knowledge to safely use them when they get them and to continue to safely use them going forward.”

 According to the NFA, there are more than 40,000 licensed firearms in the country.


Topdude 1 year, 8 months ago

Thanks Dr Minnis. Your perspective is very badly needed in our leadership of our country. Now Bahamas is being to miss your views and leadership. Please come back to lead our nation.

hrysippus 1 year, 8 months ago

Rt. Hon. Dr. Minnis is correct IMO. The government is pretending to address a problem that does not exist. Over the last 10 years there have been around 1,000 people killed on the roads, in that same time period there has been no one killed by anyone using a licensed fire arm to the best of my recollection. This is just our huge bureaucracy dreaming up more ways to justify their government pay checks. Solving a problem that does not exist and making life just that little bit harder for the tax-payers.

DWW 1 year, 8 months ago

He had his chance to make a number of changes which the people have been expecting for years, decades even, but he was unable to accomplish anything much except make it more difficult for non profits and made it better for the offshore banks. Did I miss any other significant accomplishments? Pandemic aside.

realitycheck242 1 year, 8 months ago

This PLP government only looking for more ways to add new fees to the treasury. If criminals can handle their weapons without certifications what makes the PLP think Licensed Gun owners cant handle their weapons without certifications. Let The minister of national security speak for himself.

birdiestrachan 1 year, 8 months ago

Dr Minnis is vision less , he is trying to attack attention to him self, he sounds like a REPUBLIC , THERE is nothing wrong with what Mr Munroe has said it is the sensible thing to do.

birdiestrachan 1 year, 8 months ago

This is the same man who says OBAN is the PLP fault ,it IS WHO HE IS! AND the list goes on, his record speaks for itself

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