Man gets 4 years for unlawful sex with 13-year-old girl


Tribune Staff Reporter


A MAN convicted of having unlawful sex with a 13-year-old girl has been sentenced to four years in prison.

Maurice Reynolds was convicted of the crime in October after six witnesses, including the complainant and her mother, testified that he had unlawful sex with the girl when he was 23 years old and married.

Justice Camille Darville Gomez wrote in her ruling: “The (virtual complainant) testified that on 11th September, 2020 she walked through the track road to visit the convict’s wife and was informed that she was over at his mother’s home. She waited there for about 10 minutes and testified that he (sic) convict pushed her onto the mattress, placed her on her stomach, spread her legs, pulled down his pants and hers, and then inserted his penis into her vagina. During this time, she stated that she was crying and screaming but the convict covered her mouth with his hands. The VC’s evidence is that the encounter lasted for about 10 minutes and when he was finished, he told her to get dressed and go home.”

 In pushing for substantial punishment, prosecutors asked the judge to consider the age of the virtual complainant, the age difference between her and Reynolds, the forceful rape of the girl, the emotional damage she experienced, the prevalence of unlawful sexual intercourse offences in the country, and Reynolds’ failure to show remorse for his action.

Prosecutors acknowledged the mitigating factors included Reynolds’ lack of previous convictions and a probation report showing loved ones highly regard him.

“The Crown’s argument is that the aggravating factors immensely outweigh the mitigating factors in this matter and as such the convict, Maurice Reynolds should receive a custodial sentence ranging between 7 - 10 years,” the ruling said.

Reynold’s lawyers asked the judge to consider his age, his lack of criminal history, the favourable probation report, his wife’s recent death, and the fact that he has a dependent one-year-old child.

According to the probation report, people who know the convict, such as Pastor Bevelyn Lewis, described him as respectful, hard-working, generous and quiet.

The judge ruled: “Having regard to the maximum sentence possible of life imprisonment, which would be reserved for repeat prolific offenders with aggravating features, and a low end of a non-custodial sentence, which I have already indicated is not an appropriate sentence, I believe that Mr. Reynolds has the ability to become a contributing member of the society.

“Accordingly, in the circumstances, I find that an appropriate sentence …would be four year.”

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