Man found with gun fined $7,000 and given monitoring device


Tribune Court Reporter


A MAN was granted $7,000 bail in court yesterday after he was accused of having a loaded gun in the capital last week.

Scott McPhee, 24, appeared before Senior Magistrate Carolyn Vogt-Evans on charges of possession of an unlicenced firearm and possession of ammunition.

It is alleged that on April 13 in New Providence McPhee was arrested after he was found with a black 9mm Kel Tec pistol with the serial number erased. It is also said that authorities found the defendant with four unfired rounds of 9mm ammunition.

In court, McPhee pleaded not guilty to all charges. Bail was granted at $7,000. Under the conditions of this bail McPhee is to obey an 11pm to 9am daily curfew and is also expected to be fitted with an electronic monitoring device. The accused is further expected to sign in at the Grove Police Station every Sunday by 7pm.

McPhee’s trial will begin on April 28.

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