Women’s group calls charges against North Abaco MP Cornish a ‘monumental step’ for accountability

NORTH Abaco MP Kirk Cornish arrives at court yesterday, where he was charged with two counts of rape, as well as assault and threats of death.
Photo: Jay Phoenix

NORTH Abaco MP Kirk Cornish arrives at court yesterday, where he was charged with two counts of rape, as well as assault and threats of death. Photo: Jay Phoenix


Tribune Staff Reporter


WOMEN United, a women’s advocacy group, said charges involving North Abaco MP Kirk Cornish are a “monumental step” towards accountability and fairness.

The North Abaco MP was charged with two counts of rape against a 35-year-old woman, assault and death threats against the same woman.

“We are writing to express our heartfelt satisfaction and gratitude for recent developments that highlight a significant advancement in our pursuit of justice and gender equality,” Women United’s statement said.

The group applauded Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis for requesting and accepting Mr Cornish’s resignation as parliamentary secretary in the Office of the Prime Minister.

“We were profoundly heartened to witness the prime minister’s decisive call for the MP’s resignation, marking a commendable display of leadership and a reaffirmation of his commitment to a just and responsible governance,” the group said. “This is indeed a landmark day for our justice system, setting a precedent that underscores the belief that no individual, regardless of their position, is above the law.”

“While celebrating this crucial milestone, we emphasise the importance of maintaining a non-political and impartial approach throughout the legal process. Justice should always be blind to political affiliations or biases, ensuring that both sides are afforded equal access to justice. It is important that both the alleged victim and the accused are heard by a jury of their peers who will be charged with making a determination in the matter.

“The public must now let justice take its course. We must all guard against making statements indicating either the guilt or innocence of the accused. The integrity of our justice system rests upon such principles, and we are hopeful that they will continue to guide the course of action.”

The women’s group noted that survivors of abuse often face difficulties.

“The process is arduous, demanding immense strength and resilience, and it is crucial for society to recognise and respect this struggle,” the group said.

“As we advocate for stronger rape laws, we urge those who have opposed or questioned these reforms to reflect on the profound significance of these cases and the deeply personal battles faced by survivors and their families.”

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