Celebrating Perry Christie

EDITOR, The Tribune.

In the vast tapestry of life, there are those figures who, with their vibrant threads, leave an indelible mark on the canvas of history. As we come together to celebrate the 80th birthday of our esteemed former Prime Minister, Perry Christie, we aren’t just commemorating the birth of a leader, but a legacy, a dance, and a narrative that has been deeply interwoven with the heart and soul of our nation.

To many, the name Perry Christie evokes an image of a distinguished leader, but to truly appreciate the depth of the man, one must journey back to the humble beginnings of a tenacious “Valley Boy”. This boy, who once felt the sting of expulsion from school, did not allow this chapter to define his story. Instead, he transformed each challenge into an opportunity, a step in a dance that only he could envision.

From his days as a determined athlete to the vibrant beat of Junkanoo, he lived every moment with passion, a rhythm that echoed the heartbeat of our people. This rhythm, in many ways, came to be embodied in the “Perry Shuffle”, not just a dance, but a symbol of resilience, joy, and an undying spirit.

Having been fortunate enough to work alongside Mr Christie, I’ve been a witness to his remarkable journey. The corridors of power resonated with his laughter, the chambers echoed his wisdom, and every office wall bore witness to his favorite scriptures, reminding us that “as for man, his days are like grass.” But for Perry, this wasn’t a statement of life’s fleeting nature, but rather an invitation to make every moment count, to live each day as if it were a dance, a song, a story waiting to be told.

Mr Christie often invoked a profound African proverb: “Until the lion tells his story, the tale of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.” He lived this truth, not just in recounting his own journey, but in ensuring that the voices of the marginalised, the unheard, found resonance in the annals of our nation’s history. He showed us that every story, especially the one crafted against all odds, is worth telling.

From the courts of law to the halls of the senate, and then as the Prime Minister of our proud nation, Perry led with an open heart. Sometimes, this immense heart led him down paths of personal detriment, but it’s this very heart that made him stand apart, that made him beloved.

Today, as we mark this significant milestone, we don’t just celebrate an individual but an inspiring journey of a boy from the valley who danced through adversities, sung through challenges, and crafted a legacy that will inspire generations. Here’s to the man whose life story reminds us all that no matter where we start, our dreams are valid, our dance is essential, and our stories, when told from the heart, have the power to change the world.

Happy 80th Birthday, Mr Perry Christie. May your dance continue to inspire, your story keep echoing through time, and your legacy be a beacon for all those searching for their rhythm in the vast tapestry of life.

With heartfelt admiration and profound respect.

Latrae Rahming

Director of Communications

Office of The Prime Minister

August 20, 2023


themessenger 1 year, 1 month ago

Mr Rahming’s ass kissing skills begin to rival those of the greatest Bahamian ass kisser of them all, the incomparable and irrepressible Ortland Bodie. Not all were impressed with Mr Christie’s record in government as evidenced by him becoming the first incumbent prime minister to lose his seat. Nor have many of us forgotten his finger in our faces gesture and which has remained indicative of how his party’s current leadership views the Bahamian people. History will record Perry Christie as one of the worst prime ministers in our history, as for the current crew, time longer than rope.

FreeportFreddy 1 year, 1 month ago

Where is Birdie?? I would have expected her to be here licking up whatever was available...

birdiestrachan 1 year ago

THE doc , the competent authority and the FNM paps bar none hold the record for worst PM ever they both huberts are to close to call , Under Mr CHRISTIE there is the university of the Bahamas , urban renewal , and BAMSI , oh one of the Huberts opened the air ways and that is that all that has advance the average Bahamian is PLP , all the way and all the time,

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