FREE National Movement Chairman Dr Duane Sands said Elizabeth MP Jobeth Coleby Davis should publicly rebuke her supporters who “heckled” an activist that announced her attempt to become Elizabeth’s next MP.
Last night, Mrs Coleby Davis told reporters: “I can’t predict what people do in their own free time. I wish her all the best.”
Dressed in PLP paraphernalia, including “Elizabeth Matters” shirts, a group of people who support the Transport and Housing Minister surrounded Terneille Burrows as she spoke to the press at Elizabeth Estates Park on Monday.
One PLP supporter told Ms Burrows to “find somewhere else to go and run”.
“What ought to have been an event that demonstrated the vibrancy of our democracy was instead marred by gangsterism,” Dr Sands said in a statement.
“As a former MP of Elizabeth, chairman of the FNM and as a Bahamian, I condemn this crass and boorish behaviour categorically. It was absolutely disgraceful. Ms Burrows has every right to express her intentions without harassment and intimidation. She ran for office in Elizabeth previously, and we enjoyed mutually respectful interaction. That will not change going forward. I expect to see appropriate rebuke of her agents, disavowal of their actions with a public condemnation and an apology from MP Coleby Davis.”
BMW 1 year, 6 months ago
From her recent comments not sure she knows what "rebuke" means.
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