Munroe: My view is life begins at conception

National Security Minister Wayne Munroe speaking on Friday. Photo: Moise Amisial

National Security Minister Wayne Munroe speaking on Friday. Photo: Moise Amisial


Tribune Staff Reporter


National Security Minister Wayne Munroe has given his view on the debate about permitting abortion in cases of rape.

“My view is that life begins at conception,” he told reporters on Friday. “And how we deal with life and being –– the Bible tells us that God knew us when we were in our mother’s womb –– will be a matter for the people at large, as a country, and as the individuals concerned. Because let’s not mislead or fool ourselves, if anybody wishes an abortion, they can travel to any part of the world where it could be contracted.  So, it’s a personal decision on the person, but when you change the laws of a country since we have certain views, it should be something that should be done after consideration of everything involved.” 

Elected officials have been asked about abortion after a mother who allegedly gave her 11-year-old daughter abortion pills was charged for doing so. The girl was allegedly impregnated by her step-father.

 Abortion is illegal in The Bahamas in all cases except to save the life of the mother.

 Some governing party members, however, have suggested they are open to considering changing the law.

 Social Services Minister Obie Wilchcombe said last week that abortion appears to no longer be a taboo topic.

 He said it is wrong to force a raped child to give birth.

 Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis told The Tribune he sees abortion exemptions in cases of rape as a “medical matter” he “would have to consider”. He also described abortion as a personal choice.

 Health and Wellness Minister Dr Michael Darville said the topic is worth discussing.

 “The issue of abortion, I think, needs to come back to the forefront,” he said. “Personally, I don’t want to bring in my personal opinion, but I do support the fact that we need now to bring it to the forefront and discuss it in the open as it relates to what may be happening in the country and what the law says.”


TalRussell 1 year, 7 months ago

"My (Woman) Body My Rights." No man should be caught being in charge of a Woman's Body. --- Certainly not from one with an out of shape body, looks the crown minister. -- Yes?

themessenger 1 year, 7 months ago

To Minister Munroe I offer the same advice he gave to those that attended a political rally at which he was a speaker, "Kiss my ass and walk fast!"

birdiestrachan 1 year, 7 months ago

All this talk about abortion when it should be all about what happened to that child, ,that is what it should be about, now the mother knows that the 45 year old man was after her daughter and not her women awareness

FreeportFreddy 1 year, 7 months ago

OMG - I ACTUALLY agree with Birdie!

I gotta buy a lottery ticket!!

JackArawak 1 year, 7 months ago

since so many people are high on the bible, may I remind them of the passage "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" and so, which men among us want women to decide how and when they are able to visit a doctor, forcibly have their testicles removed if a woman sees that as the best solution etc etc Lone hypocrisy and nothing else. Shameful and embarrassing.

themessenger 1 year, 7 months ago

If you are the sort of man who would rape and impregnate an eleven year old girl, I think the forcible removal of both your testicles and penis would be a fitting penalty, in fact if it was my daughter, I would be asking the authorities for a special dispensation to perform the surgery myself, with a hacksaw blade!

JackArawak 1 year, 7 months ago

totally agree. and I'd throw lime juice on the ''incision'' after I was done. The sad thing is these men think women are their property after they sign a marriage agreement because "it says so in the bible". Those men are not fit for society.

Sickened 1 year, 7 months ago

When does life end? When the heart stops! So when does life begin? Obviously it could be argued that it begins when the heart starts. After all in order to die you must first be alive and to be alive your heart has to be pumping. My argument then is that life starts once that little tiny heart starts pumping - not when a man ejaculates into a woman and not when the embryo first attaches to the uterus.

FreeportFreddy 1 year, 7 months ago

The Attorney General should tell him to stay in his own yard NOT the AG's.

Porcupine 1 year, 7 months ago

Mr. Munroe should begin the process of issuing passports and NIB cards to those "conceived."

joeblow 1 year, 7 months ago

… well to keep it simple, only sperm and eggs that are alive can divide to produce what will become the child in the womb. Therefore new life must begin when sperm and egg meet. Once left alone that new life will enter a new phase of life at delivery. Therefore termination of the process after egg and sperm have met must be the aborting of that new life! What say you?

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