Human Rights Bahamas addresses ‘deeply distressing case’

HUMAN Rights Bahamas said asking an 11-year-old child to carry her rapist’s child “is an unimaginable burden that no one should bear”.

The organisation’s statement came after a woman allegedly gave abortion pills to her 11-year-old child who her father allegedly impregnated.

The mother has since been charged with several crimes, including aggravated causing harm for the purpose of an abortion and performing an illegal abortion.

The case has since highlighted the country’s strict abortion laws. The procedure is illegal except when the mother’s life is at risk.

“It is with profound sadness and a heavy heart that Human Rights Bahamas addresses the recent deeply distressing case involving the victimisation of an 11-year-old child who was allegedly subjected to molestation and impregnation by her mother's boyfriend,” HRC said yesterday. “This horrifying incident has brought to light the urgent need for society to stand together against such inhumanity and to prioritise the well-being, autonomy, and rights of women and children.

“The alleged incident is not only abhorrent but also deeply detrimental to the physical and mental health of the young survivor. Asking an 11-year-old child to carry the child of her rapist is an unimaginable burden that no one should bear, especially one so young and vulnerable. It is our collective responsibility to provide care, compassion, and support to survivors of such heinous acts, rather than subjecting them to further trauma.

“We express our profound disappointment at the comments made by certain government officials and church leaders who have chosen to cast judgment upon the mother's actions in this heartbreaking situation. As a society, we must remember the value of respect for individual choices and recognise that it is not our place to judge those who have already endured unimaginable pain. The path of empathy and understanding is the only one that leads to healing and justice.

“The alleged incident serves as a stark reminder that violence against women and children continues to plague our nation. The media is flooded with distressing stories of rape, molestation, and even murder, all committed in the name of love. It is high time that leaders in our community unite to put an end to the mistreatment and disrespect suffered by the women in our society. We cannot turn a blind eye to the daily violations experienced by women, young girls, and even children.

“Human Rights Bahamas calls upon the government to take decisive action to uphold the rights and dignity of all citizens. We urge the immediate enactment of a marital rape law to ensure that no person is subjected to such violation within the sanctity of marriage. Additionally, we implore the government to grant women in our country the equal right to pass on citizenship to their children, thereby rectifying an inequality that has persisted for far too long. Most importantly, we advocate for women's right to choose by providing them access to safe and legal abortions. These steps are essential to breaking free from outdated norms and achieving alignment with international standards set by the United Nations for the protection of women and children.

“We reiterate the fundamental principle that human rights are synonymous with women's rights and vice versa. We stand united in the pursuit of justice, compassion, and equality, and we call upon all members of society to join us in creating a safer, more just future for all.”


birdiestrachan 9 months, 4 weeks ago

What does marital rape have to do with this case the child had no choice in what happened to her when she was raped and if she wanted to keep her child,. Shame on these women pastor Major is correct THESE WOMEN HAVE MADE THIS A POLOTICAL FOOT BALL WHAT DISTRICT ARE THEY RUNNING IN REMEMBER the spy bill and toggie and boggie

birdiestrachan 9 months, 4 weeks ago

These women try to give the woman who bought a man into her home , and as result her daughter was raped they seek to excuse her it is just not right shame on this woman group who are they ?.? dullards for sure

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