Try this experiment, share love

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Making a list and checking it twice might be a notion popularized by a certain holiday jingle, but too many frustrated and annoyed Bahamians seem to be preoccupied with lists of legitimate grievances, even at this festive time of year. Now, that’s not a reference to that ever-present horde of fellow Bahamians who simply grumble for grumbling sake. No. For far too many of us, very real problems and issues seem to compound exponentially around us day after day. Some of us may even have lists which extend from 2022 all the way into 2024.

Trying to make sense out of so much of our enigmatic situations can lead to quite a manic depression; a frustrating mess. Taking our seriously deficient “whatever buck up goes” state of affairs too seriously could place too many of us on high doses of fluoxetine, paroxetine or other antidepressants. So, in our own best interests, how about considering another strategy, while not abandoning our personal gripes, plus that lists of things in need of improvements across our picturesque 700 Islands, rocks and cays.

Accordingly, please take part in a little experiment.

Especially at this festive time of year, what could be the most meaningful and wonderful gift to give as well as get, without spending nary a dime or a dollar? How about that gift of that second greatest commandment of all --- to love thy neighbour as thyself. Seriously! And, that’s not to wax biblically or religiously to the slightest degree. Even though a large number of Bahamians still pretend to remember ‘the reason for the season’, the actual underlying motivations for all those various celebrations unfolding all around us for the next couple of weeks are just as mixed up as conch salad.

What I’m presumptuous enough to suggest here is that we individually, as well as collectively, make a grand effort to truly treat each other just as we would like others to treat us. What a greatly transformed Bahamas this would be ... if only for this brief experiment in the holiday season! Maybe, just maybe, those desired changes on our long, long list of outstanding grievances might be rectified by some of those “others” we begin to treat as we would like to be treated, ourselves.

This might not be a magic pill, but quite possibly an effective placebo. It’s certainly worth a try, from what I can see.

Undeniably, no singular thought or action can change our Bahamas from what it was and is into what it could and should be. All the same, the power of one cannot be underestimated. With the historical records as a reference, we can see that one person can make a pivotal difference in moving masses of people in positive or negative directions. Our little experiment aims for the former of those two directions. Are you willing to participate in our little experiment?

To reach the unreachable star could also mean to optimistically reach, when our arms are too weary.

Alternatively, you must agree that when we do nothing, we can reasonably and logically expect to get nothing. However, in this world today, and indeed The Bahamas, that’s not always true. Paradoxically, some people get what they don’t deserve, while others don’t get what they deserve. Still, you don’t have to spend a nickle (pennies are now out-of-style) to try this little suggested experiment between now and 2024.

No puff of magic will make our lists go away as the clock strikes midnight on the 31st, but when enough of us practice that second greatest commandment, betya that list is bound to shorten.

Happy Experiment and Happy Holidays!



December 13, 2023.


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