Tribune Staff Reporter
EXUMA and Ragged Island MP Chester Cooper said he is disappointed that a public school in Ragged Island is incomplete, but expects its completion by Easter.
“In the meantime, we are actively looking for a retired, recently retired teacher or teachers who would wish to reside in Ragged Island over the next few months to provide support for the seven or eight young children who continue to reside in Ragged Island,” he said.
“We’ve already secured commitment from teachers for the end of June, who will move to Ragged Island permanently, live there, and we will rebuild the numbers of the school, which will rebuild the community.”
Mr Cooper also said a clinic on Ragged Island is fully furnished, and a nurse will work there by January 15.
“Whilst we speak of the clinic, the new clinic, which looks really like a hurricane bunker, is well advanced,” he said. “The work I’m pleased is progressing, and we expect that that’s going to be completed towards the end of 2024, but it will not disrupt service to the residents.”
ThisIsOurs 1 year ago
I'm lost. How big is this school? It's been 2 years since the govt took office and approximately 7 years since hurricane Irma. Why disappointed? Shocked would be more accurate. Pointless asking why, either the contractor screwed up or the govt wasnt paying the contractor.
Sickened 1 year ago
Not speechless. Expected.
Dawes 1 year ago
This government is very good at being disappointed things haven't happened, which they are in full control of. The DPM is the 2nd most powerful person in the country, so he can easily get that school built if he was really concerned.
ExposedU2C 1 year ago
This now $40 million school contract is the gift that keeps on giving to one of the PLP muck-a-mucks.
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