Honouring the memory of Kenise

KENISE Earla Symonette-Darville’s funeral was held yesterday at Mount Tabor Church, officiated by Bishop Neil Ellis. The 33-year-old mother of three passed away on January 19, after an illness while at Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH).

Her passing brought to the forefront serious issues at PMH after she posted a video live on Facebook in an isolation room located at the Women’s Medical Ward detailing her experience at the hospital.

Her husband, Jerad Darville, after her passing urged people to support the cause for which his wife was fighting.

“Continue to support her and the cause she died fighting for bringing awareness to issues inside the healthcare system,” he said.

Several members of parliament attended, and Minister of education Glenys Hanna-Martin spoke to the mourners at the funeral.

Photos: Austin Fernander


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