21-year-old charged with death threats against PM


Tribune Court Reporter


AN 21-year-old was remanded to prison on Monday after he was accused of threatening to kill Prime Minister Phillip “Brave” Davis on Saturday.

Isaac Roberts, represented by attorney Bjorn Ferguson, faced Chief Magistrate Joyann Ferguson-Pratt on a charge of threats of death.

According to police reports, it is alleged someone called Central Police Station around 8.20am on Saturday, February 18, and threatened to kill Mr Davis.

After this incident, a suspect was taken into police custody and had his cell phone confiscated. In court, the defendant pleaded not guilty.

However, given the seriousness of the offence, the prosecution objected to bail.

However, Mr Ferguson said his client is presumed innocent until proven guilty and he has no antecedents. Mr Ferguson added there was nothing before the chief magistrate that would prove his client would not return for his trial if released.

The chief magistrate said given the recipient of these alleged threats is the nation’s leader, the court will not take this matter lightly. She deferred Roberts’ bail hearing until Thursday at 11am.

Before being taken into remand at the Bahamas Department of Correctional Services, the defendant was allowed a brief moment with his parents in court.

• The age of the defendant is 21, not 18 has previously reported.

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