Basic freedoms

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I do not agree with Lincoln Bain. With that said, however, I believe it is incumbent upon all of us to defend the right of Lincoln Bain to have a voice in this country.

Not just Lincoln, but all critics of our government must feel assured of their right to free speech. We need to recognise what is going on here.

And not just here, but around the world. The shutting down of dissent is one of the most dangerous preludes to the loss of democracy and our basic freedoms. A country that jails government critics is already on the slippery slope to dictatorship and authoritarian rule. This is common to all oppressive regimes.

The Davis administration is showing its true colours and some people predict a serious loss of legitimacy to their political party due to this travesty of trampling democratic principles. Make no mistake about it, the jailing of protesters is an assault on our most basic freedoms. The Bahamas is better than this. Aren’t we?



February 20, 2023.


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